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  • Can't update: "An error occurred while downloading client"
    published on February 6th, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    Yes, this was exactly the issue you would experience due to the Cloudflare outage linked by Uriel. They have implemented a fix that resolved the issue.

  • [Resolved] Issues downloading and updating the client
    published on February 6th, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    Issues with a third party provider (Cloudflare) are causing some players to encounter problems with downloading and updating the client. We will be monitoring Cloudflares attempts to resolve this and will update you here and on status.eveonline.com as their efforts progress.


    • 09:25 UTC - Cloudflare has identified the issue and a fix is being implemented. We will continue to monitor their efforts.
    • 09:50 UTC - Cloudflare has implemented a fix and will be monitoring the results.
    • 10:36 UTC - This incident has been resolved.

  • Mass Test on Singularity Friday, January 31st 18:00 UTC - Local Chat
    published on February 2nd, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    Updated my post to reflect the price. Thanks for coming to the test, next time we will look to add more fleets based upon turnout.

  • Mass Test on Singularity Friday, January 31st 18:00 UTC - Local Chat
    published on January 31st, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    There was an issue with the tool used to distribute the Large Skill Injector rewards. Instead of them being added to personal hangars we have seeded them on to the FD-MLJ market, as with other items, for 100 ISK.

    Players are free to grab their 150 injectors from the market.

    Players who mass buy the items will be subject to disciplinary action, as when they mass buy other items.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Mass Test on Singularity Friday, January 31st 18:00 UTC - Local Chat
    published on January 31st, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    The mass test will run tonight, however the test server will remain open over the weekend for the purpose of attempting to expose any other issues with the chat changes ; you are welcome to join tonight for as long as you are available, otherwise any participation over the weekend will also provide valuable information.

  • CSM 19 Summit Topics!
    published on January 31st, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    Old events, while fun, sometimes need be sidelined to make way for newer events with different mechanics.

  • What is Causing EVE to Die?
    published on January 29th, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    The last few events have followed a bit closer to the lore, with the Drifter Siege of Zarzakh being the last one. Making it more visible/accessible is certainly something we can work on, though!

  • Frequent Crashes on macOS Sonoma with M2 Max and M1 MacBooks
    published on January 28th, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    Planned in a future update, but I don’t have an ETA, sorry.

  • Frequent Crashes on macOS Sonoma with M2 Max and M1 MacBooks
    published on January 28th, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    I’ve not seen that before. Please do file a bug report. While we can’t answer every one, they all do get read. Any recordings of it happening can also help a lot.

  • Mass Test on Singularity Friday, January 31st 18:00 UTC - Local Chat
    published on January 28th, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    Greetings bug-hungry Capsuleers,

    We are planning a mass test on Singularity this Friday, January 31st, at 18:00 UTC (= EVE time) to test stability and reliability improvements to Local chat.

    What exactly is being tested?
    We want to make sure that Local chat is working exactly the same as before, only more stable and reliable.

    In particular, we’d really appreciate your help with verifying that:

    • The Local chat member list updates correctly.
    • The Local chat performs well under heavy load with many players chatting.

    How to connect to Singularity for this test
    Change the server from Tranquility to Singularity in the bottom right corner of the launcher and log in as normal. More detailed instructions are available here.

    Test Instructions

    • Join the in-game channel masstesting. Instructions for the test will be in the channels MOTD.
    • Move yourself to FD-MLJ (type /moveme in any chat window and then select FD-MLJ in the list)
    • Join fleet W or X through fleet finder
    • Wait for the test to start for further instructions.

    What else should I know?
    150 Large Skill Injectors per character will be rewarded on Singularity for participating. The rewards will be placed into the personal hangar of participants in the FD-MLJ VII - Moon 2 - Intaki Bank Depository station after the test concludes (est. 20:00 UTC).

    UPDATE: Large Skill Injectors will be placed on the market in FD-MLJ. See my reply further down this thread.

    The Singularity database will be mirrored from Tranquility database on Tuesday, 28th January.

    Singularity will remain open and accessible to players until Monday 3rd February.

  • [RESOLVED] 20252801 - SKINR Patterns Offset or Incorrect After Downtime Tuesday 28 January
    published on January 28th, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    During downtime today an update was deployed for SKINR which has resulted in some SKINR patterns appearing offset or simply incorrect.

    We are investigating the issue and hope to have fix deployed in the coming days. Once the fix is deployed all affected SKINs should display correctly.

    Update at 19:03: Hotfix has been deployed, and the issue should be fixed.

  • CSM 19 Summit Topics!
    published on January 28th, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    Hello capsuleers!

    CSM 19 have been hard at work meeting with various dev teams through the winter break, and preparing for their summit here in Reykjavik. The CSM will arrive for a full week of meetings between January 27 and Jan 31, with Friday the 31st being devoted for the CSM to present various topics and gameplay styles.

    The list of topics for the CSM Summit is as follows, will a few redactions and omissions:

    • Data Team Chat

    • UI/UX Opportunities

    • Team Security: [Redacted] case study

    • State of ESI & Third Party Tooling

    • CSM Program Evolution

    • Fanfest 2025!

    • Monetization Brainstorm

    • Resources & Industry

    • Taxes & Managing the Economy

    • Little Things™

    • Homefront Initiative & Evolution

    • Heraldry & SKINR

    • EVE Quality of Life Improvements

    • Summer 2025

    • Force Projection

    • Ship Balance Day 1 – Non capitals

    • Ship Balance Day 2 – Capitals & Fleet meta

    We’ll have the meeting minutes posted after the Summit, as well, for consumption. We are going to experiment this year with trying to get an early summary out before putting out the full meeting minutes.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

  • DLSS 3.5 / FSR 3.0 arrival announced at fanfest, early 2024 - Any further info?
    published on January 21st, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    Sorry, there is currently no set release date for this currently. While we’ve got quite far with the development, this is a major rewrite of parts of our rendering engine so takes time.
    I’ll post an update as soon as I have something to share :slight_smile:

  • Frequent Crashes on macOS Sonoma with M2 Max and M1 MacBooks
    published on January 21st, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    Hi. This issue has been very difficult to track down. Some people experience it often, while others never experience it on the same hardware. We have had difficulty getting a reproduction internally.
    Thank you to everyone that has filed a bug report - it really does help!

    We have deployed a change today that may help, or even solve the situation. If you have been experiencing the issue, could you try to replicate it after the patch today?

  • Question for the Devs
    published on January 9th, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    Fireworks are fun (and can be trashed)!

  • Web Site Downtime - developers.eveonline.com
    published on January 8th, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    Hey all,

    At around 13:00 UTC on January 9 the web site developers.eveonline.com will undergo a downtime for updates. The downtime is expected to be concluded by 14:00 UTC.

    We will update this forum thread with any updates to the planned downtime.



    13:00 UTC - Downtime has started for developers.eveonline.com web site.
    13::26 UTC - Downtime is over. Check out https://developers.eveonline.com/blog/and-once-again-welcome-to-developers-eveonline-com.

  • Monthly Economic Report - December 2024
    published on January 8th, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    Greetings data-driven capsuleers,

    The Monthly Economic Report for December is ready for your review.

    MER Changes

    There was a request that we look at the way Imports and Exports work:

    • Imports & Exports work by looking at Ship Movements between Regions.

      • They don’t count the Ship, or Modules/Ammo fitted to the ship, or implants ‘fitted’ to the character.

      • They do count all items in the Cargo, Ship Maintenance Bay, or any other specialty bays.

        • This includes Assembled Ships, modules fitted to those assembled ships, etc.
      • We would like to revise this, so only non-assembled items are counted in Imports & Exports. However, we can’t without changes to the way we log ship movement events. This is being reviewed with the EVE Development Team.

    Economic Summary

    • Production has stabilized in December, after a significant increase in November.

    • Mining Value has continued is upward trajectory.

      • A large part of this is Increased Ice mining, driven by Volatile Ice Storms (from the Winter Nexus / Yoiul Festival event).
    • Commodities has seen a spike in Overseer Personal Effects bring sold to NPC Buy Orders, again from the Winter Nexus / Yoiul Festival event.

    For those of you looking to get your hands on the raw data for your own use- you can find the downloadable data for last month’s report in the following LINK .

  • [Resolved] 20250101 - Unexpected Extended Downtime
    published on January 1st, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    Happy New Year!

  • [Resolved] 20250101 - Unexpected Extended Downtime
    published on January 1st, 2025 at 05:14 PM

    Server hamsters are massively hungover. Attempting to stir them into action.

    (Server failed auto-reboot. Attempting to boot manually).


    11:22 - Server rebooted successfully. Server is open to players.

  • [Resolved] 20243112 - Unplanned Extended Downtime
    published on December 31st, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    TQ startup successful and is open to players. Happy gaming and happy New Year!

  • [Resolved] 20243112 - Unplanned Extended Downtime
    published on December 31st, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    The server failed its automatic reboot. We’re looking into the cause. This will likely mean that Tranquility will not be online before 11:15 UTC.

    Updates will be posted in this thread and on status.eveonline.com


    11:20 UTC - We’ve hopefully identified the cause of the failed startup and will attempt another startup shortly.

    11:24 UTC - Tranquility startup successful and is open to players.

  • Resolved - Yoiul Festival Celebration Crate Gift
    published on December 27th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    The ‘Grab your gift from the NES’ news item was published at downtime today.

    We received reports that some eligible players (see news item for eligibility criteria) were unable to see their gift in the New Eden Store (NES). The issue was identified and should now be resolved.

    All eligible players should be able to claim their ‘Yoiul Festival Celebration Crate’ via the New Eden Store.

    Wishing you a happy holidays.


  • Planetary Industry Templates
    published on December 16th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    We deployed a patch on Friday to fix this, so hopefully you have stopped seeing that now.
    Please file new bugreports if you continue to experience this :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Monthly Economic Report - November 2024
    published on December 12th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Hey folks, as has been commented on in this thread, the totals on the Sinks and Faucets page were incorrect and have been updated as of 12:58 UTC to the below.

    I’ll update the CCP Bees post to reflect this as well and include the white and HTML versions for completion.

  • Monthly Economic Report - November 2024
    published on December 12th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Greetings data-driven capsuleers,

    The Monthly Economic Report for November is ready for your review.

    • Due to an issue, we’re missing data for 2024-11-01 for sinks and faucets. Data displayed starts on 2024-11-02.

    • A large part of the jump in Production value is due to an increase in the value and number of ships being produced.

    For those of you looking to get your hands on the raw data for your own use- you can find the downloadable data for last month’s report in the following LINK .

    Edit from CCP Zelus:
    The file linked above will remain unchanged. However, it was noted that on the initial Sinks and Faucets graphic, there was a totalling error, which has since been rectified. The corrected Black, White and HTML versions are below:

    HTML for Download

  • Planetary Industry Templates
    published on December 11th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Thanks for the bugreport. Could you perhaps submit another one (doesn’t need to be too detailed with the plain text version of the template you were working with. It would help a lot to track this down. Thanks :slight_smile:
    Nvm, I have been able to reproduce this.

  • Planetary Industry Templates
    published on December 11th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Thank you all for the feedback :smiley:

    If you have actual bugs, it would be excellent if you could file bugreport from the F12 window so we can look into that.
    It would be very helpful if you could copy the template to clipboard and include it in the bugreport so we can investigate further.

    Could you please file another bugreport and include the plain text version of the template so I can track down the issue :slight_smile:

  • Planetary Industry Templates
    published on December 10th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Apologies for the delay - the post should now be available to reply to!

  • Planetary Industry Templates
    published on December 10th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Dear Capsuleers,

    The Planetary Industry (PI) Templates aim to streamline your operations, allowing you to set up a planetary colony and save it to a PI browser. You can then share your layouts with your fellow capsuleers and corporation members, or use them to set up a new colony much faster than before.

    For now the new templates are an opt-in preview feature. To enable them open the Settings Menu (Esc), go to the Feature Previews category and click Enable on Planetary Industry Templates.

    We are happy to receive any and all feedback that you have, but we are specifically interested in feedback on the current implementation of the PI templates as well as additional features that would make these templates even better. To make it easier to read and process, please post your suggestions in the following format:

    • Current Implementation Feedback

      • Moving the pins to the top of the planet is not always smooth
    • Additional Feature Requests

      • Add reset extractors button

    Thank you so much for checking out this first iteration of the PI Templates and we look forward to getting your feedback!

  • Activity Tracker Discontinued
    published on December 9th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Thank you for posting this gif. It led to me explaining what Red Dwarf is to CCP Bee for 15 minutes and I think he’s gonna watch it now.

  • Activity Tracker Discontinued
    published on December 9th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    On 10 December will be removing the Activity Tracker.

    The Activity Tracker, introduced in 2018, was a groundbreaking tool for its time, tracking and showcasing player progression in a visually engaging way, however, several years later, it relies on outdated technology that limits further development and offers no interactive features or rewards.

    Sunsetting this enables us to focus on and commit to enhancing the AIR Career Program (ACP) and strengthening ESI infrastructure in 2025. In time, we will make activity data accessible through ESI and the Excel add-in, while enhancing the ACP, a system built to deliver meaningful progression and rewards. Our future vision includes integrating a modern activity tracker into the ACP, one that is designed to recognize and celebrate player milestones and ensuring every step of your journey through New Eden is recognized and rewarded.

    We’d like to extend our thanks to those players who used and enjoyed the Activity Tracker. While we recognize there will be some disappointment with this news, we are confident this decision is the best one for the game and the players.

    Thank you and fly safe.

  • Official Lore Revisions and Additions Notes
    published on December 3rd, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Several chronicles that had previously not been migrated to EVE Universe have been restored and republished, and proper navigation has been introduced for multi-part chronicle series. All chronicles listed here have also had any missing formatting lost in the transition from previous fiction portal incarnations fixed, with others to come.

    Restored Chronicles:

    Added navigation for multi-part chronicles:


  • Little things / Small QoL suggestions
    published on November 26th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Remember to follow the correct format and please keep the discussion on why or why not something is a good idea to a minimum :slightly_smiling_face:

  • 'Track' and 'Look At' not working on asteroid belts
    published on November 19th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Sorry for missing your message - but glad to that this issue has been resolved. As annoying as it was to deal with, I’m told it was equally as annoying to isolate and resolve.

  • SKINR - numbers as input
    published on November 19th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    The team is super happy to deliver this today - we thank you for the feedback!

  • 19 November 2024 - EVE Launcher Update
    published on November 19th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Today at downtime the EVE Launcher was updated to the latest version.

    While we don’t anticipate any issues, some players with very strict network setups may need to re-add an exception for the EVE Launcher.

    Similarly, those with very strict anti-virus configurations may need to flag the EVE Launcher as a false positive if it is incorrectly deemed a virus.

    None of these issues should occur with standard network or antivirus settings.

    Post here if you require assistance, or file a support ticket under the “Technical” category for assistance from our Game Masters.

    Thank you!

  • Version 22.02 - Revenant - General Feedback
    published on November 14th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    There is a second reward track planned for after Revenant, which limited the ability to extend the reward track in duration. However, the teams have heard the feedback and are moving the d14 rewards (the larger SP reward) to earlier in the track so it’s easier to collect for those that aren’t able to log in for all 14 days.

  • Version 22.02 - Revenant - General Feedback
    published on November 14th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    In the escape menu, Display & Graphics, Shader Quality to low would be how to completely remove the clouds. There’s an option to lower the effects of only clouds through “Volumetric Effects Quality”.

    Will relay feedback about the strobing lights to the relevant teams!

  • Version 22.02 - Revenant - General Feedback
    published on November 14th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Cheers! We’ll continue to monitor Marauder usage after these changes. As mentioned on the directors’ stream, the idea wasn’t to completely nerf their viability, just to tune down the Vargur a bit as it was disproportionally out performing its peers in all instances.

    With regard to the buffer bonus, we’re aware that some are a bit concerned with the high-sec ganking elements with the lower EHP and will keep a keen eye on this one.

  • Version 22.02 - Revenant - General Feedback
    published on November 14th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    The skillbooks can be redeemed with either Atavum or resources from the Mercenary Den - as that ecosystem develops, the player market will develop. This is similar with how other specialized skills are introduced in the game. The Daily Login reward on Day 8 also includes a Deathless expert system which gives you access to those skills (temporarily), but can give you the opportunity to test while the ecosystem develops a bit more.

  • Version 22.02 - Revenant - General Feedback
    published on November 14th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Cheers! With regards to 2 & 3, we’re looking to add a PLEX ledger to better track these types of transactions.

    Great feedback and requests, thank you!

  • Version 22.02 - Revenant - General Feedback
    published on November 14th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Thanks! We’ll pass this along to the team to see if we can get that usability back :+1:

  • Version 22.02 - Revenant - Known Issues
    published on November 11th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Hello everyone,

    Here you will find a list of any known issues as we become aware of them for patch 22.02.

    Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues.

    Quick Info:

    Other Information Threads

    Corporation Project

    • Your Contribution counter is missing on Manual Contribution method
    • The padding for the font in the Corporation Window’s brackets causes some of the letters to be cut at the bottom with the UI Scaling above 100%


    • Cinematic reveal cameras for some ships are clipping the ship model

    Missions & NPCs

    • Some rogue drone dungeons are not being cleaned up properly after being completed and stay in space empty. They are still correctly completing, giving an escalation chance and causing a new site to respawn.

    Ships & Fighters

    • Cenotaph role bonus to medium projectile falloff and medium missile velocity is applying at 7.5% instead of 25% as intended
    • The Cenotaph has a Warp Speed of 2.7AU/s instead of 3.5AU/s which is standard for combat battlecruisers
    • The Cenotaph’s Caldari Battlecruiser shield boost bonus of 7.5% bonus per level is always applying 7.5% no matter what skill level is trained


    • The Mercenary Den Management skill is missing a tooltip in the skills window
    • A number of Caldari specific (and more general skills) are currently not being seeded in Caldari space. (A workaround for this is to buy and inject them direct from the skills window, or visit a neighbouring Factions space)

    Ship Information Window

    • In the Skills tab, rapidly switching between Mastery subtabs before all skill groups finish rendering can result in the unrendered ones being displayed in the wrong Mastery subtab
    • The ship preview is not displaying fitted subsystems on Strategic Cruisers
    • Skill-training buttons in the Skills tab can be fully hidden when the window’s width is very small
    • Some translations cause UI issues and text overlaps, especially when the Ship Information Window’s width is very small
    • Translations are missing for a couple of words
    • Some quotes and attributions contain typos and/or incorrect punctuation
    • The ‘Show in Ship Tree’ button is displayed for a few ships that are not present in the Ship Tree
    • The background faction logo is incorrect for a few ships
    • The tooltip is missing when hovering over skills in the Requirements subtab, and some information and options are missing from the tooltip when hovering over skills in the Mastery subtabs
    • When UI Scaling is not 100%, the contents in the window’s large view are scaling incorrectly with the window’s width

    Ship Tree

    • The Deathless Ships are missing skill levels required to fly them in the ship tree


    • Pattern projection Gizmo can appear extremely offset from ship within SKINR
    • Pattern projection Gizmo can become detached from projection pointer indicator
    • “Sequencing in Progress” and “Saved Designs” content in SKINR can overlap slightly
    • Occasionally, live rendered icons for SKIN designs will appear black within the SKINR
    • Edited pattern values reset to default values when editing a saved design
    • Bane and Revelation Navy Issue are not applying primary material slot nanocoating correctly
    • Boobook erroneously does not allow Create New Design option within SKINR

    Structures & Deployables

    • Mercenary Dens have a lower than intended signature radius and are missing a dogma attribute which means supercarrier fighters will not apply full damage to them which is not intended

    Winter Nexus

    • Some names and descriptions for the Winter Nexus event are missing localization.

  • Version 22.02 - Revenant - General Feedback
    published on November 11th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Hello everyone,

    We are thrilled to release the Revenant expansion to EVE Online today! Here you will find links to helpful information with regards to the Revenant expansion.

    Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback here for this patch version.

    Quick Info:

    Other Information Threads

  • EVE Online: Revenant - Expansion Notes
    published on November 8th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Hello Expansion Enjoyers!

    The Revenant expansion is right around the corner, releasing on Tuesday, 11:00 UTC 12 November. As is tradition now, we’re delivering Expansion Notes for everyone to digest early, so here are the patch notes for the Features & Changes coming next week.

    The notes can be found here: Revenant - Expansion Notes

    Please use this thread to discuss upcoming changes and give us your thoughts and feedback on the contents of the release.

  • Monthly Economic Report - October 2024
    published on November 8th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Greetings data-driven capsuleers,

    The Monthly Economic Report for October is ready for your review.

    • The issue with certain items being excluded from the economic indices calculation has been identified and corrected.
    • The Deathless Custodians faucet has been replaced by broker fees in the Top 8 faucets & sinks chart following the conclusion of the Zarzakh siege in late September.

    For those of you looking to get your hands on the raw data for your own use- you can find the downloadable data for last month’s report in the following LINK .

  • Little things / Small QoL suggestions
    published on November 7th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    we are still following this thread, so please feel free to keep posting your Little things ideas here :slightly_smiling_face:

    Please keep the suggestion short, to the point and only 1 sentence. Please only 1 suggestion in each post.

    To make it easier to read and process, please post your suggestions in the following format:

    Suggestion: Ability to see volume in Multibuy

    Keywords: ui, multibuy, market
    Note: Useful buying stuff to ship somewhere else

    When I’m buying stuff from Jita with Multibuy and need to ship it somewhere else, it would be very useful to know how much space the order takes up so I know if it fits in my 60k m3 hauler.

  • Little things / Small QoL suggestions
    published on November 7th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    We added the ability to create contracts for multiple ships 2020 (I think)

  • Theme #8 - Future of EVE Vanguard [3/3]
    published on November 6th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Theme 8 (part 3/3)


    Closing Thoughts
    It has only been a year since we announced EVE Vanguard – and it has already been quite the journey. We are a small team with big ambitions, and we are resolute in building towards a shared vision for EVE Vanguard – but we know what we’ve prioritised and chosen to build out for you so far in our major feature releases has showcased the game that we are trying to build, the universe we want to impact, and the types of experiences we want players to have with a gun in their hand.

    We get there with your help as we have only gotten to where we are now with it – building this alongside the community as we set out when we first announced EVE Vanguard.

    I’ll repeat what I wrote up above about ‘what EVE Vanguard is’ because it’s how we ‘win’, and part of the challenge as to how we make EVE Vanguard a success – we’re not building a single experience, a single mode of play, we’re building a playground. We’re building the tools to allow you all to create your own goals, write your own stories, have that impact on New Eden, and one day be part of the record-breaking stories that got us all so excited to be a part of this universe in the first place.

    What will EVE Vanguard look like in five years? Well, that’s up to you!


  • Theme #8 - Future of EVE Vanguard [2/3]
    published on November 6th, 2024 at 05:14 PM

    Theme 8 (part 2/3)


    The EVE Connection
    That ‘universe’ that EVE Vanguard inhabits is clearly EVE Online’s New Eden and the players that exist within it that you will connect with. This is what truly makes EVE Vanguard an MMO FPS and can even help set a new standard as to what that really means in a game. EVE Vanguard will be another avenue to experience that single universe -its economy, its social structures, the politics, and all the glory and loss of the battles that take place there.

    Vast corporations, new and old, will span across both EVE Vanguard and EVE Online as one. Wars fought, lines redrawn, territory lost and gained - will be fought across both experiences. Our existing expansion right now into how the Vanguard will fight in insurgencies is a testament to the direction and depth of connection that we want to build out here.

    EVE Online is at its core a resource game and its legendary economy is housed on those solid foundations. EVE Vanguard will be no different in how it’s fuelled – people fighting for power, influence, and the resources that are required for that, late into an elder game. How those resources flow between EVE Online and EVE Vanguard is very important. It cannot be total, as the scale of these two experiences are just far too different. The Vanguard on the ground aren’t thinking or trading in the scale of capital ships (…or are you?) – they’re thinking about guns, and suit modules, weapon chipsets, and whatever amount of contraband they might be able to shift around themselves. But that doesn’t mean the weight has to be so desperate; something found on world, however small, can have a massive impact in the right hands of a Capsuleer. Something sent down from space, however small to a Capsuleer, could be huge in turning the tide of a skirmish on the ground. Whether it is resources, equipment, influence, or even intel – we want to create tools in EVE Vanguard to allow players to manage the flow of these useful components and the economy that surrounds it, to have an impact upwards into EVE Online and feel its effects on the surface back from it. EVE Online is often player-driven chaos, and with EVE Vanguard; as above, so below.

    A great bit of competitive analysis we received on EVE Vanguard said something very key – if you want to bring New Eden to EVE Vanguard, you have to bring the players. And that insight is correct, EVE Online is what it is because of its players – how they connect, the social structures they have built, the operations they run, and the feuds they live by. That will be embodied in EVE Vanguard, with more systemic integration as to how players connect across both games through corporations, alliances, and faction allegiances.

    In the business of video games, you look for a USP – a ‘unique selling point’. For EVE Vanguard, its EVE Online and EVE Vanguard’s predecessor Dust 514 - not the setting (it’s space), not the actors (it’s capital ships), but it’s players and the systems they have built.

    What will actual play look like?
    At the core of what we want EVE Vanguard to play like is an open FPS with many different experiences and playgrounds to allow players to play to the ways in which they want to, much like a traditional MMO. If you like to play competitive PvP, fighting for a new frontline, there should be a place and experiences for you in EVE Vanguard. Similarly, if you just want to mine and gather resources for your friends or corporation. If you want to field test a new loadout and take on a horde of NPC drones. Or if you just want to deploy down to the surface of a planet with friends and not know what you want to do, or what you’ll find. All of these play styles, all of these experiences are part of a central economy, a central progression flow, and about the pushing and pulling of impact across the same, shared universe.

    We’ve said we don’t want to just make a single mode, a single experience that players repeat over and over. We want to keep making new experiences, adding to the many play styles that define Sandbox MMO games, and keep building towards the lofty goals of a CCP game – a forever game.

    At the centre of these EVE Vanguard experiences however is the loop that we are building – players deploying down to surface of planets; killing, looting scavenging, turning in contracts, competing in activities, to earn, find, and steal resources. Resources that feed into what players can manufacture, sell, or trade to grow – grow as a Vanguard in power, influence, and infamy. These currencies are how players move through the universe, grow more important in it, and interact with everyone else that inhabits it.


    Primary to this is players deploying down into more sandbox-like environments, like we have at the moment and will only continue to expand on and flesh out. But around the edges of these are other secondary experiences, that to you, or to the elder game may start to become more primary. These are the likes of more PvP leaning experiences like fighting in Insurgencies or even fighting over front-lines that take part in more ‘separate’ skirmishes that players deploy down to, and in future possibly the more economically run experiences, the more industrial, the more social, even purely PvE in nature. We’re not restricting ourselves in how the game as a whole NEEDS to be played – we just want to provide you the tools, build the playgrounds, that can cater to how anyone might want to play and contribute to the universe so each and every one of our players can feel a sense of belonging in New Eden.

    In your hands though will be guns – and lots of them. Whilst we have been fleshing out our weapon systems around a single weapon, showcasing how much agency and customisation we really want to put into the hands of players, there will still be lots of different guns, of many many different types, that you can rip, tear, and rend with chipsets into the perfect weapon for how you like to play. The same extends to your suit as a Vanguard, upgrading various subsystems and components to fit you out for the type of experiences you might be deploying down to – a fight, a resource run, or if you just want to show off…or, you know, laser your comrades with the cutting tool.





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- TJRedleg

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- lordofknowhow

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Excellent app!!
- gumby1

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