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Kotaku Gaming Reviews, News, Tips and More.

  • MMO Players Take Over Company, Loot $20,000 Worth Of Stuff
    published on April 13th, 2023 at 05:12 PM

    EVE Online is, for some, a video game they play. For the rest of us it’s a crime beat, an MMO we only ever read about when someone does something nefarious, and today’s coverage of the game is another shining example in the genre.


  • Listen To A Bunch Of EVE Online Nerds Go Wild Over An Official Excel Collab
    published on May 6th, 2022 at 05:12 PM

    During the keynote of this weekend’s EVE Fanfest convention in Reykjavik, Iceland, EVE Online creative director Bergur Finnbogason previewed an upcoming collaboration between the spacefaring MMO and Microsoft’s Excel spreadsheet program in front of a crowd of dedicated fans. They ate it up.


  • The Recent EVE Online Riots Where Thousands of Fans Burned Their In-Game Money, Explained
    published on November 24th, 2021 at 05:12 PM

    EVE Online’s latest slate of updates, “New Dawn”, promised to bring with it a return to an age of prosperity to the game’s universe. Alongside the first patch of the new quadrant came a Nov. 12th Developer Blog detailing how CCP, the developer behind the game, planned on delivering that new age. However, rather than…


  • EVE Online Facing Second 'Summer of Rage' Fan Outcry
    published on July 7th, 2021 at 05:12 PM

    In the early days of June 2011, the playerbase of EVE Online joined together in revolution and war. The enemy was not a diablocial space-tyrant, or an army of NPC spaceships waiting to give battle, but the company that created EVE, CCP Games. A recent expansion, Incarna, had launched with a slew of overpriced…


  • New Site Teaches You How To Play EVE Online
    published on May 28th, 2021 at 05:12 PM

    EVE Online is a tough game to learn without a lot of effort and assistance. The good news is that there’s now an easier path to getting started: the EVE Academy, a new companion website to the 18 year old MMO, was created specifically to show new players the ropes, and potentially teach a few old dogs new tricks as…


  • Two Minor Changes Could Mean Big Things For EVE Online
    published on February 27th, 2021 at 05:12 PM

    This month has seen a flurry of announcements about EVE Online’s immediate future. Alongside the usual spaceship changes and rebalancing, a brand new, somewhat controversial skill system will be introduced, as well as what sounds like a largely cosmetic change to the game that could have huge implications for players.


  • Both Sides Claim Victory In Massive EVE Online Battle
    published on January 1st, 2021 at 05:12 PM

    Ragnarök, the death of the Norse gods, played out in EVE Online in the wee hours of New Year’s eve. Hundreds of the game’s mightiest vessels gathered together in the M2-XFE system, and Titans from the game’s two largest factions spent over 12 hours exchanging fire and unleashing their incredibly devastating doomsday…


  • EVE Online Players Are Calling A Christmas Truce
    published on December 22nd, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    Two of EVE Online’s biggest factions have been engaged in open war for the last six months, fighting for their continued existence on the server. Tensions are high, and players on both sides of the conflict are starting to show signs of wear and tear. What better way to provide those players a small breather than to…


  • EVE Online's Alien Invasion Is Finally Over
    published on October 20th, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    EVE’s long-running alien invasion has come to an end. Over the last few months, the aliens known as Triglavians have taken over many of the game’s star systems, with the help of some players. The mysterious forces’ ultimate goal was not known until the launch of the Phoenix Quadrant last week, when 27 of those star…


  • EVE Online Gets An Actual 'Spreadsheets In Space' Mode
    published on October 2nd, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    The idea that EVE Online is just spreadsheets in space is one I’ve heard hundreds of times since I started playing EVE five years ago. I always try my best to explain the breadth and depth of the EVE experience as being much more than that. Today however, a new update to the game has forced me to throw in the towel: EV…


  • EVE Online Players Aren't Happy With The Game's Latest Resource Changes
    published on September 29th, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    EVE Online fortunes can be made or broken in a manner of minutes. A few seconds of inattentiveness can cause the loss of ships and cargo worth billions of ISK. A lucky item drop or the discovery of a hidden cache of resources can secure a player’s finances for months. Then there are patch notes—updates to the base…


  • EVE Online Gets Game-Changing Storms
    published on September 1st, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    Between pirates, scammers, alien invaders, and other players, one is never truly safe in EVE Online. Recently, a brand new threat has emerged, one with the ability to force players to change how they play the game: the weather.


  • EVE Online's Alien Invasion Is Disrupting The Game's Biggest Trade Route
    published on August 20th, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    Logistics and shipping routes aren’t things that typically come to mind when people think of video games, outside of the Trucking Simulator series anyway. But in EVE Online they are a way of life: Ship components, weapons, ammunition, and all other manner of trade goods have to be loaded into massive cargo vessels and…


  • EVE Online On Your Phone Is Enjoyable, If You Squint Enough
    published on August 14th, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    Officially launching this week on iOS and Android, EVE Echoes is all of the mining, exploring, transporting, pirate-fighting, fleet-battling action of CCP’s venerable science-fiction MMO in convenient portable form. See all of that tiny text? I might need a bigger phone.


  • The Next Stage Of EVE Online's Alien Invasion Is Here
    published on July 14th, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    For the last six weeks, EVE Online has been under siege by an extradimensional enemy known as the Triglavians. Recently, players were asked to join alongside the Triglavians and help them gain a foothold in the EVE universe. Many players accepted this challenge and fought alongside the alien invaders against the NPC…


  • EVE Online Player Stages Massive War To Honor His Fight Against Cancer
    published on July 1st, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    Two weeks ago, an EVE Online veteran received some difficult news. Christopher “Chappy78” Chapman found out that the pancreatic cancer he had been fighting off was not only back, but the prognosis was not good. This news also came the week before Chappy’s birthday. Facing down the barrel of such terrible news, he…


  • EVE Online Mini-Game Lets Players Help In The Fight Against Covid-19
    published on June 16th, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    EVE Online players are once again being given an opportunity to do real-world science from the comfort of their spaceships. Today marks the launch of the third time EVE’s Project Discovery mini-game has been re-imagined. Project Discovery is an in-game tool that enables EVE players to serve as citizen scientists. In…


  • New EVE Online Update Puts Items At Risk If Player Citadels Fall Into Disrepair
    published on May 30th, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    EVE Online players are familiar with loss. In fact, one of the first pieces of advice given to new players is “Don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose.” When a spaceship is destroyed in EVE it’s gone forever; the only time a player’s assets are truly safe is when they’re locked inside an NPC-owned space station or a…


  • The Next Chapter Of EVE Online's Invasion Will Let Players Side With The Aliens
    published on May 23rd, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    Over the past two years, EVE Online’s major story beats have all revolved around the mysterious Triglavian faction. Players first encountered this strange branch of humanity by raiding an extradimensional abyss. These incursions did not go unanswered for long, and soon the Triglavians began making their own invasions…


  • EVE Online's Next Few Months Will Be Filled With Aliens And 'Surprises'
    published on April 2nd, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    Today was supposed to mark the opening day of Fanfest, EVE Online’s annual player gathering in Reykjavik, Iceland. Unfortunately, the event was cancelled due to coronavirus. Fanfest is normally a time for fellowship between EVE players, a chance to interface with the development team, and of course when major upcoming …


  • EVE Online Players Gather Virtually To Watch Fan-Made EVE Space Opera
    published on March 31st, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    Last weekend, the EVE Online community team hosted a Twitch viewing party to help EVE players stave off COVID-19 isolation related boredom. The stream was a marathon of a machinima series called “Clear Skies,” beloved in the EVE community. CCP Convict, one of EVE’s community managers, hosted the event alongside the…


  • 11 Years Later, EVE Online's Wormholes Are Still Mysterious And Deadly
    published on March 10th, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    Wormholes—portals between the fabric of space and time—are a common trope in science fiction universes. This puts EVE Online in good company when it comes to the heavy presence of these phenomena. For 11 years, players in EVE have been able to discover wormholes and use them to travel around. For all the player…


  • EVE Online's Annual Fanfest Canceled Due To Coronavirus
    published on February 28th, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    EVE Online’s annual Fanfest event is the latest in a string of video game-related events to be negatively impacted by the spread of COVID-19, or coronavirus. EVE developer CCP Games announced today that the event, scheduled to take place April 2 through 4, would be canceled due to concerns of the spread of the virus.


  • EVE Online Update Will Give Players A Second Chance In Battle
    published on February 22nd, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    During combat in EVE Online, if the enemy targeted your ship and destroyed it, this was the end of your time in battle. But with developer CCP’s latest announcement, the Frigate Escape Bay, you can immediately rejoin the fight and seek vengeance, albeit in a much smaller vessel.


  • EVE Online Players Raise Over $100,000 For Australian Relief Efforts
    published on February 19th, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    A new class of spaceship being destroyed for the first time. A massive free for all brawl in space. Some EVE Online streamers eating incredibly hot chicken wings. These disparate events are some of the things EVE players did to raise money for the game’s recent charity event, PLEX for Good. EVE Online players came…





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