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  • Legendary space MMO Eve Online unveils new expansion bursting with war
    published on October 10th, 2024 at 08:30 PM
    In a weird bit of synchronicity that no-one expected, there are two Revenants to talk about this week. One’s the latest episode for Destiny 2 which launched on October 8, the other is Eve Online Revenant, a new expansion that’s been announced for a November release. Despite the similarity in names these two online space games are of course very different, with one being a first person shooter with magic powers and the other one of the most complex MMOs ever created. If that complexity is what you crave, then you’ll want to be ready for Eve Online’s next expansion.
  • New Eve Online event sets players against huge waves of powerful foes
    published on September 9th, 2024 at 08:30 PM
    Eve Online is a legendary MMO for many reasons such as its universe, the depth of the options available to you, and how game-changing you and your friends can truly be. It’s a staggering game that often breaks free of its servers to bring stories out into the real world of skulduggery, backstabbing, and naked corporate greed. Now, it's time for a tale of war, as the Siege of Zarzakh has begun - and Eve Online players can play their part.
  • Classic colossal sci-fi MMO revamps the most dangerous part of space
    published on June 11th, 2024 at 08:30 PM
    One of the key aspects of capitalism is that no resource can go unexploited.  Even in lawless areas of space filled with raiders out for your blood in the far future that’s still true. In the latest expansion for EVE Online the notoriously dangerous nullsec zones are being opened up for exploitation, and you and your fellow space-capitalists are all invited.
  • Legendary sci-fi MMO gets new expansion in lawless part of space
    published on April 23rd, 2024 at 08:30 PM
    There are MMOs and then there are MMOs. Some act as platforms for heroics, where you and fellow players can find somewhere to stand while you slay the baddie or save the world. Others are open ended universes where players make their own stories, defining their own experiences through their actions. EVE Online is very much the latter kind of game, set in a colossal galaxy ripe for exploration where your choices determine the shape of your virtual life.
  • Gigantic, classic MMO game launches free FPS spinoff
    published on December 7th, 2023 at 08:30 PM
    EVE Online is about as big, deep, and complex as MMOs can get. A vast space sim with its own factions, economy, history, and player-governed society, since 2003, EVE Online has represented the most dedicated and hardcore type of online RPG - if you like Star Citizen and Stellaris, and you haven’t tried it yet, EVE is definitely for you. And now’s the perfect time to get involved. Whether you’re a lifetime player or a total newcomer, EVE Vanguard, the new, FPS spinoff from Online proper has just launched, and is now available to play for free. Arriving just before the next EVE Online patch, better known as Havoc, Vanguard is shaping up as the perfect complement to the MMO proper.
  • Eve Online’s FPS sister Vanguard sets date for new public alpha
    published on November 21st, 2023 at 08:30 PM
    Eve Vanguard, the upcoming FPS module connected to CCP Games’ persistent space MMORPG Eve Online, is having what the team is calling a “pre-alpha playtest.” After being announced earlier this year, anticipation for the new game is at a fever pitch, so here’s everything you need to know about how to get involved.
  • Eve Online’s greatest stories belong to its players
    published on September 29th, 2023 at 08:30 PM
    The thing that struck me the most during my time at Eve Fanfest in Reykjavik, Iceland was the players. Eve Online fans, or Capsuleers, are some of the warmest, most welcoming people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting, and their dedication and passion for CCP Games' MMO shine through at every given opportunity.
  • Eve Online Havoc will finally let you align with pirates
    published on September 22nd, 2023 at 08:30 PM
    CCP Games has revealed that you can finally get what you’ve been asking for over the MMO’s 20-year history and align with pirates in the new Eve Online expansion, Havoc. The Angel Cartel and Guristas pirate factions will recruit Capsuleers in Eve Online Havoc to help them spread corruption.
  • Eve Online is getting a brand-new standalone FPS game
    published on September 22nd, 2023 at 08:30 PM
    In a surprise announcement at Eve Fanfest in Reykjavik, Iceland, CCP Games has announced its brand-new standalone FPS game, Eve Vanguard. Being developed using Unreal Engine 5, the shooter will see players take on the role of the Vanguard for the first time ever, and will be available separately to the main Eve Online experience.
  • Eve Online is letting you tackle space with spreadsheets
    published on June 21st, 2023 at 08:30 PM
    Eve Online has revolutionized space games forever after launching its Microsoft Excel add-in. Players have long joked about Eve Online being a "spreadsheet simulator," but it seems that CCP Games is taking this reputation as an organization-heavy experience to the next level. The Icelandic developer first announced the integration of Excel earlier this week, going on to fully implement Microsft's program in Eve Online just one day later. There is no better time than now to compile your in-game data as the add-in is completely free to all players.
  • Two Eve Online expansions are coming this year
    published on January 7th, 2023 at 08:30 PM
    Two more Uprising-scale Eve Online expansions are planned for the coming year, CCP Games has revealed in a new 2023 roadmap for the venerable space MMORPG. The Uprising expansion, which launched late last year, introduced some sweeping changes to New Eden, and CCP Games says it plans to keep up that pace now that it's switched to an expansion model for introducing new content.
  • Eve Online Uprising expansion starts transforming the galaxy now
    published on November 8th, 2022 at 08:30 PM
    There have been lots of creative attempts at boosting excitement for upcoming game expansions. Fortnite chucked its entire original map into a black hole to set things up for the launch of Chapter 2 back in 2019, for example. For the Eve Online Uprising expansion, CCP Games went and blew up a star. The Turner I Event, as it's now known in the long-running sci-fi MMORPG, is going to be the inciting incident for a whole new era in New Eden, marking the advent of some game-changing new systems CCP Games has been talking about adding to the free-to-play game for the past year.
  • Eve Online graphics update aims to immerse new players
    published on June 28th, 2022 at 08:30 PM
    Now nearing its 20th anniversary, free-to-play space MMORPG Eve Online is turning over a new leaf with the launch of Eve Evolved, a broad initiative aimed at improving core elements of the play experience. The latest Eve Online update begins this transformation, developer CCP Games says, and a big part of what's new in this patch is aimed at appealing to new players - and at softening Eve's decades-long reputation for being a difficult game to get into. When you start a new pilot - a 'capsuleer,' in Eve terminology - your first move is generally to start taking jobs from several beginner NPC career agents. Each one provides a string of missions designed to introduce Eve's various career paths. Agents will show new players the ropes when it comes to being an enforcer, industrialist, or explorer, with several solo missions to complete that take place in instanced single-player 'dungeons' in nearby space. The Eve Evolved update introduces a stunning graphical overhaul to these areas, filling the once sparse sectors with forests of asteroids and swirls of cloudy particle matter. Space stations are ringed with dust, and the faraway nebulae are significantly crisper, thanks to a high-res remaster of these celestial bodies.
  • Eve Online’s browser version is now available to everyone
    published on May 21st, 2022 at 08:30 PM
    Eve Online is one of those MMORPGs that tends to worm its way into your daily life - checking in with your corp, monitoring trades and market prices, and even just snagging daily login bonuses can easily turn into regular rituals. Now it's even easier to indulge the urge, as Eve Anywhere lets you play Eve in just about any web browser, even if you're an alpha (free-to-play) clone. You will, however, have to pay for the privilege. Eve Anywhere has been open to Omega subscribers for the past several months in beta, but now it's available to Alpha players as well. Built in collaboration with Intel, Eve Anywhere lets you login to your Eve Online account in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge and play Eve Online as you normally would from client software installed on your PC. While you won't need to install anything, CCP says you'll need an internet connection of 25Mbps or higher, and server capacity is limited - although the company says that will increase over time, along with the number of countries where the Eve Anywhere service is available. If you're an Alpha player, you'll also need some PLEX - each 24 hours of Eve Anywhere costs 30 PLEX, which works out to be around $1.50 USD / £1.20.
  • Eve Online is bringing the drama of evolving war to PvE systems
    published on May 12th, 2022 at 08:30 PM
    If you're not an Eve Online player, the odds are pretty good that when you hear something about the long-running space game, it's about a massive battle - thousands of players smashing each other's ships in a catastrophic engagement that's part of a large inter-factional war. Historically, those wars have taken place in Eve's unregulated wild west, known as null-sec (for Security Status 0). But with the coming changes to factional warfare, some of the drama of Eve's wars will be making its way to low-sec space, which has historically been much more predictable. Developer CCP Games' vision for Eve Online going forward is one that's unified around a new narrative arc system. While each arc will have a story to tell, they'll also be vehicles for rolling out new features, and the new factional warfare system will play a major role in how this works. "I'm incredibly excited to be finally able to talk about factional warfare, and that we're diving into factional warfare," Eve Online creative director Bergur Finnbogason tells us. "It's an area of the game that is fundamental to the idea of a sci-fi universe."
  • Eve Online’s Excel partnership began in a CCP women’s group
    published on May 11th, 2022 at 08:30 PM
    'Spreadsheets in space' has been the running gag about Eve Online almost as long as the notoriously information-dense MMORPG has been around, which at this point is going on 20 years. But it was only recently that developer CCP Games and Microsoft made it official, announcing the forthcoming Eve Online-Microsoft Excel integration at this year's Eve Fanfest in Reykjavik. And like so many lasting friendships, this one began at the pub. "A few of the CCP women went out for drinks, and one was our bizdev person," explains Emily Akland, an Eve Online brand manager. "They were starting to joke around that spreadsheets in space is such a fun concept - and they were like, 'Wouldn't it be crazy if we just reached out [to Microsoft] and see what happens?'" As the three women - VP of publishing Eyrún Jónsdóttir, business development manager Anna Katrín Ólafsdóttir, and Eve Online director of growth Anna Kozko - continued to discuss the idea, the less crazy it seemed. They brought the idea up to the rest of Eve Online's management, and Ólafsdóttir said she knew someone at Microsoft who they could call.
  • The new Eve Online heraldry system will be a big deal
    published on May 9th, 2022 at 08:30 PM
    From the outside looking in, adding new custom ship skins to the massively multiplayer space game Eve Online might not seem like a particularly noteworthy change - sure, it's nice to be able to personalise your avatar and spaceship, but certainly not essential, right? But in Eve Online, identity drives everything - who you are, what you've done, and the groups you belong to are critically important to the experience and fantasy. The upcoming heraldry system that CCP Games announced at Fanfest 2022 will finally make it official and allow players to establish distinct visual identities for themselves and their corporations and alliances. It's obvious how important heraldry is to Eve players the moment you walk into an event like Fanfest: the throng of players is peppered with custom-printed alliance T-shirts, jackets, and flags. Those icons are common sights on Eve streams and in forums, but the new heraldry system will make them usable within Eve, too. The heraldry system isn't just about showing allegiance to a group, however. The new system includes visual modules and add-ons for ships, killmarks, and holograms that will change and grow along with your achievements.
  • Eve Online is finally teaming up with Microsoft Excel
    published on May 6th, 2022 at 08:30 PM
    For more than a decade, the running joke about Eve Online is that it's an MMORPG that's also a spreadsheet. That's a bit unfair - there's plenty of exploring and space combat in New Eden. But high-level players are always keen on optimising their playtime, and now developer CCP Games is making it official: later this year, Eve Online will add Microsoft Excel integration, making data tracking in the free-to-play game a whole lot easier. The partnership with Microsoft means that in the near future, Eve players will be able to add a Javascript API to an Excel workbook that seamlessly pulls data from the game. While CCP isn't ready to go into detail on the functionality just yet, the possibilities are compelling: players could use the feature to track profit margins across a large corporation, or look at fleet damage values over the course of a battle to work out where their strengths and weaknesses are. Playing Eve on a literal spreadsheet isn't the only news out of this year's Fanfest, running this weekend in Reykjavik. The company also revealed plans for a new set of narrative arcs, with the first set to wrap up in a finale at the end of this year. CCP says these new story arcs, focused on players' chosen home empires, will help new players connect with Eve's world and give them "more power to shape New Eden's living universe" through dynamic, player-driven in-world events.
  • Eve Online subscriptions are going up due to “global trends”
    published on April 23rd, 2022 at 08:30 PM
    According to developer CCP, Eve Online subscriptions are set to increase in the space game as of next month, as well as the in-game currency - with the one-month tier seeing its first rise since 2004. CCP attributes this to "global trends" and increased production costs in making the popular MMORPG game. In a new post on Eve Online's website, CCP goes into how the MMO has grown and evolved in the 19 years it's been active and how the studio "plans to make New Eden and its community mightier than ever". To allow the team to "continue investing in Eve Online’s evolution and growth", CCP is "updating" the price of all Omega subscriptions and the in-game currency PLEX. CCP says that the new price increase "reflects global trends impacting general production costs and accounts for years of inflation". This is apparently the first time the one-month subscription has increased since 2004. The rise in the cost of subscriptions and PLEX currency will go into effect a month from now, on May 17.
  • Eve Online will not adopt blockchain tech or NFTs for now
    published on April 11th, 2022 at 08:30 PM
    The developers of Eve Online say they have no plans to add blockchain- or NFT-based features to the massive space MMORPG at this time. While the company "remains intrigued" by blockchain, CCP's CEO says that the technology isn't a good fit for Eve Online in its current state. "We have no plans to add blockchain technology into EVE Online’s global server Tranquility for the foreseeable future," CCP CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson says in a statement posted to Eve's official site today. "For the coming years, development for Tranquility will focus on building exciting new opportunities on top of the robust foundation that has been laid over the past two decades." Pétursson says that many members of CCP have been following developments with blockchains and cryptocurrency for the last several years, and believe they have "a lot of untapped potential." However, he says that the developers have noted the same shortcomings that players have pointed out, and says the studio's position now is that there's "a lot of work needed before [blockchain is] ready for EVE-scale games."
  • Eve Online’s next event features a battle with Doctor Who’s Daleks
    published on January 4th, 2022 at 08:30 PM
    Venerable space MMORPG Eve Online is joining forces with the longest-running sci-fi TV programme of all time, Doctor Who, in a limited-time event that's set to kick off later this month. The Interstellar Convergence, as it's called, will challenge Eve players to track down and eventually do battle with the Doctor's most iconic enemy, the extermination-obsessed Daleks. The Interstellar Convergence will run January 13 - February 1, during which you'll be able to travel through a wormhole to a new area of space, where you'll pick up on a trail of clues. CCP Games says you'll have a "beguiling mystery" to solve, an array of challenges to complete, and plenty of new Doctor Who-themed items to earn in the process. Blending worlds like this is standard fare for Doctor Who, which can explain just about any jump in theme or setting simply by invoking the concept of the multiverse. For its part, Eve Online already makes use of "time dilation" to explain why everything slows down to 'bullet time' during major fleet battles.
  • Eve Online’s miners’ strike signals uncertain times for the space MMO
    published on November 25th, 2021 at 08:30 PM
    World War Bee 2, the biggest and most costly war in the MMORPG's 18-year history, sputtered to a close earlier this year. As the belligerents have returned to a more 'normal' mode of operations, however, they've discovered that the massive space game is different now than it was before - and many haven't liked what they've found. Over the weekend of November 13-14, thousands of players from both sides of the massive conflict descended on the key trading hub of Jita 4-4, firing volleys at the assembly yard that orbits the planet. They had organised a protest over proposed changes coming to Eve Online's industrial systems outlined in an Eve Online developer blog published earlier in the week. Even the best MMOs are fairly complex, but Eve Online is notorious for its complexity. In the blog, Eve's developers proposed changing the way the game handles mining operations. The idea, CCP tells us, was to make the process more interesting than it's been historically, adding new systems for mineral compression and wastage. According to the plan, miners must compress materials (ore, gas, or ice) as they bring it aboard their ships, and this process involves losing some amount of material as waste based on a number of factors - primarily equipment quality and mining skill.
  • Eve’s new tutorial takes players through the basics with an action-packed story
    published on October 26th, 2021 at 08:30 PM
    Eve Online is one of the longest-running MMORPGs out there, and that's despite a reputation for being a game of 'spreadsheets in space.' Developer CCP Games has laboured for years to smooth out its notoriously steep learning curve, and a revamped new player experience, which rolled out just before its arrival on the Epic Games Store in September, might be just the thing to keep players around long enough to get hooked. When you create a new character - or capsuleer - in Eve Online, you have the option to complete the tutorial, which now includes a much more dramatic narrative sequence that helps set up the universe of New Eden and introduces elements of Eve's daunting UI piece by piece. "One of the key principles we had was 'never overwhelm,'" Tryggvi Hjaltason, a senior strategist at CCP, tells us. "We were trying to figure out what's the main reason players turn from our game early. And the number one reason by far - it's like 68% or something - is that they're overwhelmed."
  • Eve Online arrives in the Epic Games Store with a revamped new player experience
    published on September 23rd, 2021 at 08:30 PM
    Eve Online, the massive space game that's been host to the biggest and costliest battles in videogame history, is now available on the Epic Games Store. Along with expanding to the Epic store, Eve has also gotten a revamp to its new player experience, and developer CCP is running a celebratory limited-time event to mark the occasion. When you start a new character in Eve Online now, you'll meet a new corporation called the Association for Interdisciplinary Research. The new AIR training program takes rookie capsuleers through the basics of Eve Online, and CCP says it's "the result of careful introspection of previous iterations of Eve's new player journey." This new introduction to Eve is much more narrative focused than past iterations of the MMORPG's onboarding process have been, and CCP says it's built this new 'tutorial' chapter in a way that will allow the studio to quickly make changes and add content in response to player feedback. The studio has also added new camera tools to make things look more cinematic and immersive, and the complex UI is revealed bit by bit as players make their way through the AIR storyline.
  • Eve Online’s World War Bee II is ending after more than a year
    published on August 6th, 2021 at 08:30 PM
    It seems that the war that has raged across Eve Online for the past year is coming to a close. On Tuesday, the PAPI Coalition signaled to its thousands of members that it was pulling back from Delve - the last redoubt of the Imperium, better known within the space game as the Goonswarm. The Goonswarm had spent the past 13 months under siege from the combined forces of the Pandemic Horde, Fraternity, Test Alliance Please Ignore, the Brave Collective, and a host of other smaller player-controlled factions within Eve's complex and fractious community. United under the banner of 'PAPI' (a confusing portmanteau cobbled together from the 'P' in Pandemic and Test Alliance's acronym, TAPI), these groups had sought to capture as many Imperium systems as possible and eventually topple the Goons' base of operations in Delve. Over the course of a year, the combined PAPI forces gradually fought the Imperium into a smaller and smaller area of New Eden, eventually cornering them in a tiny cluster of just seven solar systems. But Eve Online community developer Peter Farrell tells us the Goonswarm managed to prevail - in part by keeping its recruitment numbers up, and in part by leveraging its institutional expertise in narrative creation.
  • Eve Online kicks off the Amarr Empire’s week-long Foundation Day celebration
    published on August 6th, 2021 at 08:30 PM
    Another Eve Online Foundation Day celebration is set to kick off, and this time it's the Amarr. The Amarr Empire is the largest in New Eden, comprising 40% of the galaxy's inhabited star systems. The free to play space game's festivities run through August 12, and it's a chance to learn more about Amarr history and religion, complete new daily challenges, and take advantage of some limited-time offers. The Amarr Foundation Day activities include daily challenges that you can complete to earn skill points, which you'll also receive in exchange for visiting the Amarr titan parades and showering them with fireworks. You can find these parades taking place regularly at Amarr, Ardishapur Prime, Kador Prime, Khanid Prime, Kor-Azor Prime, Sarum Prime, and Tash-Murkon Prime. Members of the Amarr can visit new holy monument sites in Thebeka, Seminar, and Uplingur, and a warp speed boost is in place in Amarr space for the duration of the festival in order to help you get around efficiently. You'll also find mining blitz sites opening up in the Anidaza (Tash-Murkon), San Matar (Derelik), and Sosarir (Domain) constellations. Participating in these will earn you loyalty points that can be used to unlock new ship SKINs for the Crucifier, Dragoon, and Prophecy.
  • Eve Online is set to kick off another nation-themed space festival
    published on July 8th, 2021 at 08:30 PM
    It's time for another big celebration in the spacefaring MMO Eve Online. Minmatar Liberation Day festivities kick off July 9 and run through July 20, and mark the Great Rebellion that secured the freedom of billions of Minmatar tribe members after hundreds of years of fighting for freedom in New Eden. In Eve's lore, the Minmatar are the descendants of a major empire that was attacked and enslaved by the Amarr, Eve's largest 'nation' and a fiercely theocratic monarchy. For centuries they laboured before finally mounting the Great Rebellion, but the legacy of the Amarr's subjugation lives on - the Minmatar now are scattered across New Eden, and many remain in bondage in Amarr systems. Now, the Minmatar celebrate their hard-fought freedom and pledge to liberate those who remain in captivity. During the Minmatar Liberation Day festival, you'll be able to pledge allegiance to one of the Seven Tribes of Matar, and the winners will take control of a brand new station that's been built in Pator, the seat of Minmatar government. Regardless of which group you pick, there are daily login rewards and gifts, which include capsuleer clothing, skill points, Minmatar SKINs for your ships, and a handy four-day Minmatar Expert System that provides access to all the basic skills you'll need in the new combat sites and the Proving Grounds. From July 16-20, you'll be able to jump into the Rifter Glorification Proving Ground, which is a four-player free-for-all that features the Minmatar Rifter-class frigate, and is limited to meta level five modules and implants - everyone will be on an even playing field, so it'll be the sharpest capsuleers who prevail.
  • Eve Online officially marks Federation Day with login bonuses, parades, and more
    published on June 15th, 2021 at 08:30 PM
    It's the kickoff of Eve Online's Gallente Federation Day festivities, which means players can look forward to daily login bonuses, parades, new activities, and more now through June 22. It's the 'national holiday' for one of the space game's in-universe factions, and after years of being marked by player-created events, Federation Day is now an official holiday in Eve Online. In the Eve lore, this is the 238th Federation Day for Gallente Prime, which was founded in 23121AD as a collaboration between the homeworlds of Gallente, Caldari, Intaki, and Mannar. Eve players have been organising events for the occasion for years, and have held (in-game) fireworks displays, starship rallies for showing off the most eye-catching SKINs, awards ceremonies, and even pageants for Miss and Mister Federation. This year, developer CCP is getting in on the fun, and has created an address from President Celes Asguard, which you can view below. In it, she talks about the strength of the Federation deriving from its people's diversity, which is the kind of thing you'd expect from the leader of a nation that spans hundreds of different worlds containing billions of people.
  • Eve Online’s annual ‘egg’ hunt is back, just in time for Easter
    published on March 30th, 2021 at 08:30 PM
    Can Easter eggs survive in the vacuum of space? It doesn't matter, because in New Eden, you'll be hunting escape pods. The Hunt, Eve Online's annual Easter-adjacent event, is back on for the next two weeks, offering plenty of rewards to chase after in the free-to-play space game. This year, you'll want to dust off your best frigate or destroyer class ships, because once you've tracked down some mysterious Guristas capsules that are orbiting celestial bodies in "random star systems," you'll have keys to use to enter special combat sites that are only open to tier 1, tier 2, and faction ships of those classes. You'll find those all across New Eden, but for a real challenge, head to Caldari Lowsec or the Guristas' home region of Venal for tougher Huntmaster sites. The combat sites involve two rooms - the first can be accessed by all players, while the second requires one of those keys you found in the Guristas capsules in order to enter. Clearing the second room will offer a chance at earning some special loot drops, so be on the lookout for those capsules: CCP says you can pinpoint their locations by using directional scanners or probes.
  • How Eve Online’s corps recruit fresh blood for the space game’s wars
    published on March 12th, 2021 at 08:30 PM
    When most of us hear about Eve Online, it's because of some record-breaking battle that's just annihilated an eye-watering amount of real-world value from the game. World War Bee 2 just set a new record with the Massacre at M2-XFE, which resulted in a combined loss of $378,012 (about £267,400) for the belligerents, who collectively destroyed some 3,404 ships - including 257 Titans, Eve's largest and most expensive capital ships. While the massive capital ships represent most of the actual value involved in Eve's battles, the conflicts also demand huge amounts of time and dedication by vast numbers of players. The coalitions fighting the war - groups formed by Eve's massive player-controlled corporations - need a steady stream of new recruits to maintain the war effort. They need fresh capsuleers, new players who are equipped with enough know-how to help battle enemy ships or act as scouts. The problem is, Eve Online has a bit of a reputation for being difficult to get into. That initial difficulty curve is infamous, even among Eve players. A well-known cartoon among community members depicts a chart with the initial learning curves of MMOs like WoW and The Lord of the Rings Online, which appear to rise gently over time along the x-axis. High above them is a black line that represents Eve, which is depicted as a sheer cliff littered with the mangled bodies of players who have attempted to scale it and failed.
  • EVE Online’s Reign update improves fleets and travel, starting today
    published on February 9th, 2021 at 08:30 PM
    CCP Games has revealed its first wave of new content for EVE Online in 2021. This one is called Reign, more specifically, and it's out today. The content drop comes with updates to fleets and travel and more balance and meta changes to keep things feeling fresh. There will also be some familiar events as Guardian's Gala, Abyssal Proving Grounds, and The Hunt all make their return. One of Reign's main parts is the new Fleet Discovery update that comes with a new tool called Fleet Up. It's located in the centre of The Agency, and it's designed to give everyone a more intuitive and useful experience when you're searching for active fleets to join. It should also help you find a gang of buds that want to do the same thing as you - whether that's being more efficient, or becoming entirely destructive. Reign also comes with heaps of quality-of-life updates to make a space pirate's life all the earlier. You'll notice visual updates to jump tunnel animations, region-specific visuals reflected in tunnels, and the way that home stations are managed and represented on the map has changed, too.
  • EVE Online’s World War Bee 2 and the terrifying power of bullshit
    published on October 29th, 2020 at 08:30 PM
    EVE Online is currently in the throes of what may well be its biggest war to date. The powerful Imperium (more commonly known as the Goonswarm Federation), historically the largest and wealthiest alliance in New Eden, finds itself beset on both 'sides' of its large territory by a coalition called the PandaFam Alliance Please Ignore - itself comprised of a constellation of concerns including The Winter Coalition, Test Alliance Please Ignore, and the Legacy Coalition. Even by EVE standards, its a staggering number of organisations wrapped up in a war of unprecedented scale. EVE Online periodically sees huge wars break out between the leading powers in its massive galactic simulation, and while it's amazing enough to look at the real-world value represented by the ships lost in major battles, what's perhaps more astonishing is that, because EVE functions like a real-world economy, these wars can be won or lost largely on the basis of bullshit. To put the war in the simplest possible terms, the situation is roughly this: The Goonswarm has its main area of control centralised in a network of star systems called Delve. A group of relatively unaffiliated systems called Test Alliance Please Ignore and the Legacy Coalition decided not to renew its non-aggression pact with the Goonswarm in June, and instead joined the growing coalition of alliances that was angling to wipe Goonswarm off the galactic map.
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