ah lag....
and VG accuses ME of not reading well...
the old pc died, and its smoldering carcass was picked clean for the phoenix that is the new one....
it was SO old, it barely ran 2 clients... it had to shut everything else off... no audio... no nicey nice video extras...
it had an AGP 4x video card...
2 500M sticks of DDR400...
the MoBo & processor are fried... but it was a single core intel... 2.4ghz (i believe)
like I said, the MoBo & processor were cooked...
but if you know anybody who wants the video card &/or memory....
slide me a couple fin-skies and they are YOURS... pal
get that "wipable keyboard" out of the drawer and YOU can PULL together a side machine YOU can dedicate to porn...
on a TM note.... whats your cubes/hour rate?
outside of theory land, I'm pulling just over 43