TinyMinerPlus Questions

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TinyMinerPlus Questions

Post by TJRedleg »

I know it runs two clients on one PC.

Do you still get two reg codes?

How about a price break for those of us who've bought two copies of classic?
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

If you already have a few registration keys for the regular version of TinyMiner then you only need to purchase TinyMinerPlus once because your existing keys are valid for it as well.
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Post by Gdemon »

i tried plus and with little success wondering if you could do a simple tuturial on setting that up as 2 versions seem 2 fight each other with warping and then not been at the belt and such so a step by step guide would be useful . :D
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

I didn't see a need for a tutorial nor would I know what to write in it since it should work exacly the same as the classic version of TinyMiner.
All you need to do is start 2 identical EVE clients. TinyMinerPlus will undock both, warp both and start mining with both of them one after another in sequence. I suggest you pay a little attention to what you're doing because it works perfectly for me. You do need a rather good computer to run 2 EVE clients like this.
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Post by TJRedleg »

Ok looks like I'll purchase TMP then.

The only problem I've had with TMP is if you turn on the diagnose overview problems feature there seems to be an error on the second client.

1. Both clients undock normally.
2. Fist client selects a belt to warp to and starts the warp process.
3. Program switches to the second client at which point the cursor moves to the overview as if to select a rock but ofc there are no rocks to select because your ship is still at the station. At this point if you have the diagnose overview problems checked a warning is generated and the macro seems to stop.

The obvious fix is to uncheck diagnose overview problems which seemed to work.
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

Yes you are exactly right. That is left over code from the regular version that checks to see if you have something selected and it's intended so of course you found the obvious fix.
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Post by gumby1 »

VanGoghGaming wrote:If you already have a few registration keys for the regular version of TinyMiner then you only need to purchase TinyMinerPlus once because your existing keys are valid for it as well.
I'm confused, so are you saying we need to run tinyminerplus we need to buy 2 licenses of Tinyminer and a license for Tinyminerplus (2x16.99 + 21.99) = $55.97 ???

I'm interested in moving to TM+ but not at that price?
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

As much as I like your mathematical skills I have to disagree with your logic.

If you wish to purchase TinyMinerPlus then you only need to pay the price listed on our Sales page once. What I was explaining to TJRedleg is that TinyMinerPlus uses the same Registration Key algorithm as the classic version of TinyMiner. So if you have already bought one or more registration keys for the classic version of TinyMiner in the past, those keys will also work for TinyMinerPlus (at no extra cost).

If it's still not clear please contact me on instant messengers as usual, however beware that I have nowhere near the patience of Mr C on Ventrilo that you praised.;)
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