Suggestion - Hauler unload from the Corp Hangar Array (DONE)

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Suggestion - Hauler unload from the Corp Hangar Array (DONE)

Post by Talon59 »

Maybe I'm lazy but I'm able to fill a large ship assembly array every few days and well it take's a long ass time to unload that with a freighter 20+ trips and many gates any chance in a future version that we could get the option to have a hauler pickup from the hanger/array and take it to a station for us integrating the WTZ option I loose almost a day of mining to get that thing unloaded it's a slight change from the current wtz trader route I haven't had luck getting TM to pickup from a array in space since it doesn't dock
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Re: Suggestion - Hauler unload from the Corp Hangar Array (DONE)

Post by VanGoghGaming »

This feature has been implemented in the latest version v5.0. Now you can select if you want to transport stuff between two stations, a station and a POS or two POSes and the Warp to Zero Hauler will know what to do. You can also set the number of jumps to Zero if you want to transport stuff in the same system. This should also help with fueling POSes. The term POS refers to a bookmark made on a POS structure that can hold stuff inside (Corporate Hangar Array, Ship Maintenance Array, Ship Assembly Array, Control Tower, etc).
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