Suggestion when unloading in station (DONE)

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Wannabe Miner
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Suggestion when unloading in station (DONE)

Post by Norseman4 »

There have been a few times now where, somehow, my mined ice wasn't in the furthest left location in the cargo bay window. This means that TM cannot unload the cargo, and then, next time out, nothing will get harvested so it's just an endless loop of going out, doing nothing for 1560 seconds then going back in. (11 hours and less than 140 chunks of ice to show for it with two clients.)

After TM selects all, can you check to see if anything is in the top left location, if not, sort the content of the cargo, then move it into the hangar?
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Re: Suggestion when unloading in station (DONE)

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Well usually this shouldn't happen unless you mess with the contents of the cargo while the program is running. However I have added this feature for extra safety in version v4.4. Now it will sort the cargo contents before docking to the station to unload.
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