your experience: getting busted?
your experience: getting busted?
hi everyone, i'm quite new to this and the TM is a really fine programm.
now my question: whats your experience? is ccp detecting any macros? are there banned accounts for that? or can you use it undetected and make peaceful money?
i own several accounts, but i'm feared to use TM on more than cheap toons because i dont want to loose my main.
whats your experience?
now my question: whats your experience? is ccp detecting any macros? are there banned accounts for that? or can you use it undetected and make peaceful money?
i own several accounts, but i'm feared to use TM on more than cheap toons because i dont want to loose my main.
whats your experience?
Re: your experience: getting busted?
In my experience CCP depends on corp mates or others to report you. If you lay low, stay in a NPC corp CCP won't even know you exist. The people who get caught are really, for the most part, careless.
Re: your experience: getting busted?
I've been running TM every day for several months and haven't had a problem yet. Just don't make yourself too obvious. Stay out of player-run corps because your corpmates will eventually notice that you never talk and are on ALL the time. Then one of them may get upset and report you. Switch systems occassionally, vary your start and stop times, things like that. Anything you can do to make your macroing less obvious.
- lagmonster
- Master Miner
- Posts: 151
- Joined: Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:45 pm
Re: your experience: getting busted?
Dont mine 23hrs in a row and make sure you have a credible (eve-)life and you are fine.
Using since my registry date.
Using since my registry date.
Re: your experience: getting busted?
Start Your Own Player Corp. POS mine. Really helps if you do that in an Ice system. Going Strong at 1 bill+ a week between 3 accounts
Re: your experience: getting busted?
it HAS been stated that trit supply is on the backs of bots.... without bots, trit price would double or triple... and that would push ALL prices for everything thru the roof... probably 4-5x then it would drop back down to the 2-3x range.... unless CCP replaces bots by artifically pumping ore/minerals into the market.... and bot miners keep the #s up.... which makes eve LOOK more played.... if you make the everything TOO expensive, folks will move on to other games... so I doubt that CCP is really going to do much regarding that...
as far as mining I've been 23x7 with 4 toons and a booster for 6 months without a sniff from CCP... and with 1 toon for a long time before that... (and Lag just CRINGES... lol)
I'm moving around a bit... but not being anal about it...
that said, an old corp mate just got a week ban (he thinks a corpie turned him in)... and he's gonna start rotating his pilots
I make about 100k+/pilot/day... so across my fleet I can buy a plex every day, and leave some jingle in my pockets.... I do have a couple more pilots trained up and I may start rotating them thru...
but either keeping to the "carebear corps".... or a private corp just for your toons is the way to go... IMHO
6 months ago, I was in a corp, and the CEO got all snarky... until I pointed out that he was getting tax on what I sold... he called BS... looked it up... and found out I had been paying for the corp fees and more than a few replacement ships for the previous 6 months... that shut him up for a while.... but like a LOT of corps... it died... and I eventually decided to start my own...
as far as mining I've been 23x7 with 4 toons and a booster for 6 months without a sniff from CCP... and with 1 toon for a long time before that... (and Lag just CRINGES... lol)
I'm moving around a bit... but not being anal about it...
that said, an old corp mate just got a week ban (he thinks a corpie turned him in)... and he's gonna start rotating his pilots
I make about 100k+/pilot/day... so across my fleet I can buy a plex every day, and leave some jingle in my pockets.... I do have a couple more pilots trained up and I may start rotating them thru...
but either keeping to the "carebear corps".... or a private corp just for your toons is the way to go... IMHO
6 months ago, I was in a corp, and the CEO got all snarky... until I pointed out that he was getting tax on what I sold... he called BS... looked it up... and found out I had been paying for the corp fees and more than a few replacement ships for the previous 6 months... that shut him up for a while.... but like a LOT of corps... it died... and I eventually decided to start my own...
Re: your experience: getting busted?
Contrary to others about corps and such, i'm fortunately in one where most of its members are online 23/7 or thereabouts, either macroing through tiny miner (got convinced to get it by some corpies) or afk in low/null sec stations, or even cloaked to tick off PvP hunters 
Remember once going to an ice belt in high sec and finding approximately 14 corp members all sitting there with a macro running, about 10 of those characters were for different people as well

Remember once going to an ice belt in high sec and finding approximately 14 corp members all sitting there with a macro running, about 10 of those characters were for different people as well

- lagmonster
- Master Miner
- Posts: 151
- Joined: Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:45 pm
Re: your experience: getting busted?
Like mutt stated; you shouldn't be to anal to much about having a low-profile, but then again one of his corpmates got his other friend busted... so low-profile you should be anal about to a certain point. 
It's mostly about not leaving a clear pattern.
If you have the option; rotate a pilote now and then, change your systems a bit (1j left, 1j right), perhaps do some ore on beerday, or some ice for the whiskey evenings...
Also don't stay offline after patch day. The only time you should get yourself be seen is when all the other macrominers are waiting offline for heroes like VG to fix their tools and then all come back en masse.
Break the pattern! but don't get exhausted over it

It's mostly about not leaving a clear pattern.
If you have the option; rotate a pilote now and then, change your systems a bit (1j left, 1j right), perhaps do some ore on beerday, or some ice for the whiskey evenings...
Also don't stay offline after patch day. The only time you should get yourself be seen is when all the other macrominers are waiting offline for heroes like VG to fix their tools and then all come back en masse.
Break the pattern! but don't get exhausted over it

Re: your experience: getting busted?
does CCP even do anything about macro miners?
in all seriousness i use to report macro miners because it was dead obvious (name, actions, responds, amount of time online)
and i would still see them mining away (which is why i gave up and got on the macro boat
in all seriousness i use to report macro miners because it was dead obvious (name, actions, responds, amount of time online)
and i would still see them mining away (which is why i gave up and got on the macro boat

Im Clueless, always
Re: your experience: getting busted?
I'll mine for a days but mine different systems during that time.
I always pick less inhabited systems and then manually find a belt where no one else is mining. I figure that if I'm afk mining and warp next to somebody, lock 'their' roid and start mining, it would be too bold a move and one that people don't normally do. I then mine only that belt. I only have one account mining so it's easy and I can mine that one belt all night and still not deplete it when gate mining.
I haven't mined in about a week, either. I build a nice nest egg and if there's nothing to buy I'm good on ISK.
Also, I'll post something in local every now and then, talk to some of the other miners and try to have my toon associated with me. I think if you never hear or see anyone post in local that's a huge red flag that they're using a macro.
I got 3 or 4 of my corp mates to buy TM as well and they're loving it.
I always pick less inhabited systems and then manually find a belt where no one else is mining. I figure that if I'm afk mining and warp next to somebody, lock 'their' roid and start mining, it would be too bold a move and one that people don't normally do. I then mine only that belt. I only have one account mining so it's easy and I can mine that one belt all night and still not deplete it when gate mining.
I haven't mined in about a week, either. I build a nice nest egg and if there's nothing to buy I'm good on ISK.
Also, I'll post something in local every now and then, talk to some of the other miners and try to have my toon associated with me. I think if you never hear or see anyone post in local that's a huge red flag that they're using a macro.
I got 3 or 4 of my corp mates to buy TM as well and they're loving it.
- Newbie Miner
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:19 pm
Re: your experience: getting busted?
I guess I have a little over 2 years experience running 2 copies of TM+, I used to run 4 miners 23/7 in HighSec. I have recently scaled back my operations to 2 miners running 23/7, I have a corp and a POS in HigSec. My miners all have maxed out mining skills, so I started them each producing PI products and Datacores also. I also use a fleet and Orca boosting as much as possible. My miners are very productive in every way. Sometimes I will run TM+ in a semi-auto mode, where I occasionally take control and kill rats with my drones or direct the warpjump to higher value roids, or I pause TM while I reset all my PI extractors while still mining continuosly. All this aids in making your miners appear more "player controlled".
Occasionlly my miners have received EvE mails and invitations to join other corps, I always answer all EvE mails and convo's whenever possible. I also add my mining fleet to any of my Ratting or Missions so they continue to get increased standyings.
I once received a warning from CCP for "purchasing ISK" on eBay. Never a single time have they ever bothered me about my secret mining bots. I actually believe that CCP is more concerned with ISK farmers selling ISK for cash than players trying to increase their profits ingame.
Occasionlly my miners have received EvE mails and invitations to join other corps, I always answer all EvE mails and convo's whenever possible. I also add my mining fleet to any of my Ratting or Missions so they continue to get increased standyings.
I once received a warning from CCP for "purchasing ISK" on eBay. Never a single time have they ever bothered me about my secret mining bots. I actually believe that CCP is more concerned with ISK farmers selling ISK for cash than players trying to increase their profits ingame.