Feature Request - Close the server shutdown windows (DONE)

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Feature Request - Close the server shutdown windows (DONE)

Post by ramanokoth »

I gave the new version of Tinyminer my fullday running test from server up to server down. It ran flawlessly all day. Version 1.40...

I did encounter a serious problem though. When the server shutdown window appeared the macro couldn't function which potentially could leave a ship open to destruction to NPCs. By coincedence my ship was stuck in the ice field without the shield booster running.

There is a simple fix for this that I have learned from using other macro programs.

One macro program I use gets around it by constantly clicking in the spot where the shutdown window appears on the ok button to close the window. It's a fairly simple solution that works fine. It just does it all day long as part of it's operation. It constantly every 30 seconds or so moves to the spot where the shutdown window appears and closes it. Whether it's anywhere near downtime or not.

I ran the macro from server up to server down, or at least till the shutdown windows appeared flawlessly. Which is good for you Vangogh because it means your macro is a complete success. Except for the shutdown window problem. Which could potentially get a very expensive ship destroyed.

I think the macro program needs to be updated with this fix and then it's pretty much perfect. At least for Ice mining. If you would like any further information about correcting this problem with your macro Van just ask. I know a fix for it that is just a simple mouse cursor move to the correct spot and a simple mouse click to fix.

If you want any further information on the problem I'd be glad to help.

This macro runs and is compatible with a lot more computers than most macros I use because it doesn't try to do anything fancy which means it's far less likely to screw up over the course of a whole day, but it needs this small adjustment. It really could cost a pilot his ship, especially if unattended.
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

This is now implemented in version 1.50. The server shutdown messages are closed by pressing the Enter key. It worked great during all tests.
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Post by ramanokoth »

I'v had a bit of a break from Eve Online but I'll fire it up soon and see if I can get your program to run a full day uninterrupted from server up to server down :)
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