TM+ settings for a cap stable Retriever with T2 strip miners

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TM+ settings for a cap stable Retriever with T2 strip miners

Post by Scriptor »


first i want to say sry for my bad English but it is not my native language.
I hope anyone understand my problem and can help me :-)

I want to keep it as short as possible.
After my first days of botting with my venture in high sec i was able to fly and buy me a retriever.
I fitted the retriever with some mining strip laser 2 and start the bot again.
Now i have the problem when the first cycle ended that the bot deactivate the lasers and start them again but my energy is not high enough to start both lasers.
Ok after i saw that i fitted some faster energy refresh systems (don't know the name at the moment /sry i m really a noob in eve :D ). Now i can handle 2-3 cycles but after that i have the same problem.
I can set the time of each cycle higher (i have know 540) but that would be ineffective.

Could please anyone give me some advice what i can do?

Thanks in advance and fly safe :-)
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Re: TM+ settings for a cap stable Retriever with T2 strip mi

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Well you aren't exactly a newbie if you can fly a Retriever equipped with Modulated Strip Miners II. It sounds like you've badly neglected your Engineering skills (Energy Systems Operation and Energy Management)...

Strip miners have a cycle of 180 seconds so they reset themselves after those 3 minutes. Therefore it doesn't make sense to select a lasers reset time bigger than 180 seconds. In empire space where the asteroids are pretty small, it is most effective to use shorter reset cycles of about 90-100 seconds each.

There are a number of ways to help with your capacitor problems which include training more skills, equipping implants, cap rechargers, cap batteries and ship modifications from the Energy Grid Rigs category (Medium Capacitor Control Circuit x2 and Medium Semiconductor Memory Cell x1). I think the rigs would be the easiest way to solve your problem.

It is very easy to make your Retriever cap stable even with a running Civilian Shield Booster in the mid slot (which consumes quite a bit of cap over time), you just need to think things through and apply the best solution for your current skill set.
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problem if there isnt enough cap to warp

Post by sossages »

I've noticed that if there isn't enough cap to make a warp jump my ship will drop into open space, attempt to mine, fail because there are no roids and go on an eternal loop, shouldn't it make another jump to another field or something?
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Re: TM+ settings for a cap stable Retriever with T2 strip mi

Post by VanGoghGaming »

I don't think this is correct. When you drop out of warp both the Overview and the Selected Item windows should be totally empty (No Object Selected), unless you click on something yourself and mess things up. TinyMiner will see there is nothing there, mark the current belt as empty and move on to another one from your mining folder.

That being said, it shouldn't be possible to run out of cap on a warp with any ship. You need to train the "Warp Drive Operation" skill (under Navigation) to at least level 4 (won't take longer than a day and a half or so) and you will never run out of cap when warping ever again!
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