first i want to say sry for my bad English but it is not my native language.
I hope anyone understand my problem and can help me

I want to keep it as short as possible.
After my first days of botting with my venture in high sec i was able to fly and buy me a retriever.
I fitted the retriever with some mining strip laser 2 and start the bot again.
Now i have the problem when the first cycle ended that the bot deactivate the lasers and start them again but my energy is not high enough to start both lasers.
Ok after i saw that i fitted some faster energy refresh systems (don't know the name at the moment /sry i m really a noob in eve

I can set the time of each cycle higher (i have know 540) but that would be ineffective.
Could please anyone give me some advice what i can do?
Thanks in advance and fly safe