Hauling ore to a trade hub

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Hauling ore to a trade hub

Post by Sazabi101 »

Hi all,

I had a question about hauling, which I currently don't do. I want to haul my stuff in to trade hubs for a better price and I was wondering how you guys do it safely. I'm worried about getting ganked while traveling with a full hold. The only idea I could think of was putting everything in cargo containers, so that if I were scanned they couldn't see what it was. Do you guys have an idea? I'm really looking for some insite from some seasoned haulers.
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Re: Hauling

Post by Dusty »

Putting them in cargo containers doesnt stop people scanning your hold and seeing whats in there. The only way I can think of now is putting them in the orcas corp hold, this may have been changed though.

For my hauling I just put everything in a freighter. And use the tinyminer hauling feature never the ingame autopilot.
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Re: Hauling ore to a trade hub

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Yes that's right, the TinyMiner Warp to Zero Hauler / Trade Route Runner is perfect for hauling all your ore to Jita. It does warp to zero all the way. Also you don't have to worry about gankers. Nobody will try to suicide on a freighter full of veldspar and scordite. It will take quite a few battleships to pull it off and the results are not worth it.
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Re: Hauling ore to a trade hub

Post by Sazabi101 »

Ok cool thanks guys!
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