Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon (Again!)

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Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon (Again!)

Post by Zalish65 »

Word of warning for week of Jan 7th through 14th Hulk-A-Geddon is scheduled to run this week! :o

Sneaky carebear killers are competing for prizes for whoever kills the most exhumers during this time. With special prizes for the most retrievers blown up.



I'm not flying that week. And if YOU do, be very very careful!!!
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Re: Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon Jan 7th - 14th

Post by zappman »

More than 200 hulks/Mining barges died allready...
DON'T BE GREEDY, leave your precious ship in the hangar this week!
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Re: Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon Jan 7th - 14th

Post by VanGoghGaming »

I think people are making this a bigger deal than it actually is. All you need to do is mine in a quiet system and you'll be fine. The big targets are the usual high-sec ICE systems that are filled with macro miners.
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Post by mutt »

be warned

carebear mining is... well dangerous in hisec until this whole "hulk-a-geddon" thing gets over.... 1/14/2010
I think the whole "campaign" is much more dangerous this time... they claim to have killed 500+ exhumers this time
and they have 7B isk in their "prize fund" to fuel their "fun & games"

I lost 2 mackinaws.... in what had been a pretty "out of the way" system

one POSITIVE thing... ore prices may go up... because exhumer prices sure have jumped....

looking at TM (single client) those "local monitoring" things SURE WOULD HELP in the "multi client" world
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Re: Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon Jan 7th - 14th

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Local monitoring is mostly useful in 0.0 where the systems are rather empty and your alliance controls the space. That way if a red or neutral wonders by you can safely spot him. However in empire space systems will be full of neutrals so you can't use the local chat monitor there.
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Re: Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon Jan 7th - 14th

Post by lagmonster »

The prices for ice keep goin up

I refined my xmas-holiday winnings yesterday and had 12k stront... you dont hear me complain.

Taking a week 'holiday' from mm icemining during this and going to try some active roids mining with 3 miners + 1 orca thus making aprox 40m per hour.
About the same income only less online :)
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Hulkageddon: don't AFK mine (FINISHED)

Post by alfredoesparzajr »

This is an event in EvE that TinyMiner users should know about!
Just in case no one knows about this, don’t afk mine until AFTER January 14, 2010! I lost 2 Macks in this time. The character Chavu came to the belt twice and found both of my characters (amongst other macro miners) and took my ships out in a Tempest using 1400 Howitzers. Hulkageddon (Contest of Killing Hulks) just got expanded to ALL barges. Last week (while trying a new system) lost 2 more Macks to the Corp & Alliance "The Bastards".
The Hulkageddon has a website called http://hulkageddon.wordpress.com so Killers and the killed can go read up on the event. I was using the "Concord Escort" to detour the newbie gankers, but most gankers out there right now are pros (I believe) as there are huge gifts to be won! Point, keep your ships docked and go mission running or something. Keep their kill boards short and simple! Yes they win by keeping us off the systems, but we hurt them by making their hunt that much harder and kills down and maybe even making them not win those awesome prizes, and don’t return to that same ice/asteroid field. Keep moving! Do as VG says and don’t make it obvious and play EvE 23/7! That’s my thought, so everyone fly safe AND SMART! Don’t be a victim, remain the stake holder of your ship!!
Last edited by alfredoesparzajr on Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:11 am, edited 3 times in total.
Bang head here
---> 0 <---
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And Hulk-a-geddon comes to an end?

Post by Zalish65 »

Latest Post on the HulkaGeddon Web site.
Hulkageddon II comes to an end.
Posted in Hulkageddon II on January 14, 2010 by hulkageddon

And that, as they say is that! After countless forum whines, hatemails, exploding people and ships, we have finally come to the end of the road for this iteration of Hulkageddon.

And I can safely say, it’s been a resounding success beyond my highest expectations!

The Damage:

After our week of preying on the defenseless, the stupid, or the plain braindead, we come to the following:

1220 Exhumers

332 Barges

12 Orcas

240 capsules

(and one Carrier, which is a bit silly, but I’m leaving it cos it’s cool)

According to the Griefwatch killboard, which undervalues exhumers significantly, this brings the damage inflicted to:

278,865,104,560 ISK

Needless to say, that is a poo-poo load of damage inflicted.

Now I’m going to spend a lot of time sorting out who won what, you can help by evemailing Hulkageddon Jackpot if you think you (or someone else) has completed an achievement. I’ll be handing out the prizes early next week!

Thank you all for joining, and making this event such a blast and a success!

Now if CCP wants to be fair all around, take back all the insurance payments that the game paid out to all the Gankers and then we'll be square. Unless you lost a ship in this, and if you did you have my condolences.
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Re: !! Hulkageddon: don't AFK mine !!

Post by alfredoesparzajr »

Hulkageddon II comes to an end.

The Damage:

1220 Exhumers
332 Barges
12 Orcas
240 capsules
Bang head here
---> 0 <---
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Re: Hulkageddon: don't AFK mine (FINISHED)

Post by Tyler446 »

I had no idea that stuff was going on! I had planned to mine ice in the Teonusude, but decided to mine ore over in the Vullat system instead for the past 5 days. I so GLAD I missed the Hulkageddon because I KNOW I would have gotten popped!
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Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon (Again!)

Post by tomtheman70 »

Anyone gotten destroyed by the people participating in this yet?
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Re: Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon (Again!)

Post by Drew6591 »

only people that do not read forums like Scrap Heap Challenge and the like.. I see this as a break to work on standings with the toon/s or go mine in a frigate for lulls
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New Hulkageddon for February 2011

Post by tropsicle »

Pilots be aware, Hulkageddon 4 is being planned for February of 2011.

http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.as ... ID=1422393
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Hulkageddon Announced for Feb 2011

Post by Hoppy1967 »

Hi Fellow TinyMiners.

I am a long term supporter of this wonderfull tool that helps me fuel and run my expensive gas guzzling POS's and capitals. I do however have a pilot in the Northern Coalition (NC). The NC unfortuantly like to partake in this hulk killing competition called the Hulkageddon. The good news I know who and when its going to happen. The point system is based on the most emo exhibitied when killed! So if you do get hit.. Say Nothing!

I have decided to notify alll Tiny Miner Users of this event. At the moment all I know is its currently scheduled for Feb 2011 at this stage. I might also start posting who are main organisers are etc so if you feel like war deccing, ganking, hire mercs etc you can :-)

So mine your butts off between now and Feb to build up a huge stockpile, then as it starts, park your hulks, and offload the stockpile so prices stay low, and destroys the objective of the hulkageddon to raise prices of ore when the NC offloads its stockpile.

With luck the commecial farmers can't read this post and they will be the only ones hit......
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Re: Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon (Again!)

Post by lagmonster »

Thanks for the heads up.

Last Hulkageddon I rented 2 different merc corporations.
Costed me 400m in total (which equals 4 days of mining).

I told them my corpmates needed protection and everyone in the system not in a mining boat would be war targets except for some blue standings (that I added from a list with the people I kept track off and don't even know I did ... )

At some point I was the only one mining plus some newbs and people who never heard about Hulkageddon.

I had to quit the second week so I did not get noticed but it was fun while it lasted.
Even joined them in a covops scouting and saw some action.

Prices for ice went up so high and as said I was the only one that instead of needing 4 days to cover my expenses, I was done in 2.5.

The conclusion is; be pro-active, be original, don't be the victim.

My best solution is diplomacy; I just sent the regular miners in the systems that I use a message telling that I made them blue be cause we need to support each other.
Most of them return the favor and now a year later I still mostly see blue only in local and we all cover for each other (macro-miner or not).
When I have time, I invest in conversations with local (not IN local, just convo started by a view messages first so I don't startle them).
Sometimes I even open up my fleet for others and we mine together (thus adding more confusion towards profiling done by CCP or others ;))

Hulkageddon should be considered an opportunity, together you are strong ;)
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Re: Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon (Again!)

Post by tropsicle »

Besides the Hulk-A-Geddon discussions, there is a LOT of chatter on the forums about botting in general, and a lot of rage is being generated.

While much of this is aimed at the nullsec macro ratters, and as many of those seething masses that are being whipped into a frenzy have no access to nullsec, I would expect a general increase in suicide ganks aimed at bot Macks and Hulks, as well as a general increase in accusations, both to GMs by petition and on the forums and in local, against characters doing any mining at all. Obviously, as accusations increase, some non-macro pilots will be ganked and reported, so there is some self-limiting nature to this new round of rage, BUT...

Everyone should consider a region move, or a move to the far reaches of your same region, or swapping out miner characters, or ANY other method of switching things up. Most of us can easily withstand the loss of a Hulk or a Mack, a ban, even if only temporary, would hurt a good bit.

Just a heads up, but if we keep doing exactly the same thing, the chances of getting busted increase when these kind of self-feeding rage periods happen.
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Hulkageddon IV 2011

Post by dallas »

Coming feb 2011, saw a mention of it a couple of days ago on EVE-O http://www.eve-search.com/thread/1445693/page/1

Not sure if it's feb 1st or something else,if someone sees more please post here.

Here's a post (oct -10) from Felicity Bosom, the organizer of the event http://www.eve-search.com/thread/1422472/page/1
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Re: Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon (Again!)

Post by lagmonster »

I've withdrawn my complete Hulk production in all regions awaiting higher prices during and shortly after this event
Funny thing is, I see them go lower and lower in Jita... bah, they screw up the market (my margin) this way.

But then again, my cost is so damn low, I will make tons muhaha (sorry had too :twisted: )
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Re: Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon (Again!)

Post by Benedict »

Seems that Hulk-A-Geddon will be held during the last week of February (helicity spoken). This makes me happy since i'll be able to fly an Hulk in less than two weeks, then i have 3 solid weeks to mine with it and buy myself a damn Plex :)
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Re: Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon (Again!)

Post by Wrekin »

Does anyone think it's worth stockpiling minerals against the possibility of a price rise resulting from Hulk-A-Geddon?
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Re: Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon (Again!)

Post by lazyghost »

not if you're in my system :)
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Re: Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon (Again!)

Post by dallas »

Q: So when is this happening then?

A: Hulkageddon 4 will take place between the 19th and 28th or feb. 2011 from midnight to midnight server time.

Source: official FAQ http://hulkageddon4.machine9.net/?p=13
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Hulkagedon starts

Post by lazyghost »

Huylkagedon has gone live chaps make sure u dont become easy pray!!!
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HULKAGEDDON 5 in January 2012

Post by peztos »

read this: https://forums.eveonline.com/default.as ... ind=unread

rumors state that a "new" Hulk hunt is on by the beginning of next year...

i myself will be more cautious...
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Hulkaggedon V in effect !

Post by freesbie »

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Re: Warning! Hulk-A-Geddon (Again!)

Post by VanGoghGaming »

As if the goons laying siege to Jita wasn't bad enough...
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