Thanks for the heads up.
Last Hulkageddon I rented 2 different merc corporations.
Costed me 400m in total (which equals 4 days of mining).
I told them my corpmates needed protection and everyone in the system not in a mining boat would be war targets except for some blue standings (that I added from a list with the people I kept track off and don't even know I did ... )
At some point I was the only one mining plus some newbs and people who never heard about Hulkageddon.
I had to quit the second week so I did not get noticed but it was fun while it lasted.
Even joined them in a covops scouting and saw some action.
Prices for ice went up so high and as said I was the only one that instead of needing 4 days to cover my expenses, I was done in 2.5.
The conclusion is; be pro-active, be original, don't be the victim.
My best solution is diplomacy; I just sent the regular miners in the systems that I use a message telling that I made them blue be cause we need to support each other.
Most of them return the favor and now a year later I still mostly see blue only in local and we all cover for each other (macro-miner or not).
When I have time, I invest in conversations with local (not
IN local, just convo started by a view messages first so I don't startle them).
Sometimes I even open up my fleet for others and we mine together (thus adding more confusion towards profiling done by CCP or others

Hulkageddon should be considered an opportunity, together you are strong