Gankers List

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Wannabe Miner
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Gankers List

Post by seeker702 »

I've noticed that there is an increase in Hi-Sec ganking by the Alliance called CODE. , and that there is now a blog called the "Eve Online Ganker List" at :

If you follow the instructions on that site to add these gankers to your Contact List as "Terrible Standing", you can set your TinyMiner settings under: "Monitor local chat for hostiles" and check "Horrible Standing". Under that setting you can set it to "Dock To Station and Wait For System To Clear". This way if any of these gankers come into your system while you are mining, your ship will be safe in station until they leave.

Adding these gankers on the list may seem time consuming but you will be saving yourself a lot of headaches by doing it. There are also some instructions on there for adding complete Corporations or Alliances such as CODE. to your contact list to save a lot of time.

:) Fly Safe!
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Re: Gankers List

Post by crazysonoran »

Any time before setting up in a new system search killboards for mining ship kills... also as the OP hinted to just add the corps or alliances to your contacts, save you a lot of time and effort.
Wannabe Miner
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Re: Gankers List

Post by nexis717 »

Thanks so much for the info guys!
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