Separate settings?

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Separate settings?

Post by ms850 »

Is there a way to save 2 sets of settings for EVE? I read a way using the 2x install method, but I can't seem to do that since I'm using the steam linked version. I did make a separate install, but I could not login to the client with steam credentials. My goal is to be able to login with settings required for tiny miner, then have another setup for regular gaming. I have dual 24" monitors and it's tedious having to switch the settings every time I want to do something besides mining.
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Re: Separate settings?

Post by VanGoghGaming »

There's already a thread explaining how to make a hard link (junction) to your existing Eve Online folder so that you don't need to install it all over again. Here it is:

EVE updates and multiple installation folders

Just locate your Eve folder inside the "Steam\SteamApps\common\" folder and then follow the instructions from the above thread to create a junction to it so that you can use TinyMiner without having to change your gaming settings all the time.
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Wannabe Miner
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Re: Separate settings?

Post by ms850 »

VanGoghGaming wrote:There's already a thread explaining how to make a hard link (junction) to your existing Eve Online folder so that you don't need to install it all over again. Here it is:

EVE updates and multiple installation folders

Just locate your Eve folder inside the "Steam\SteamApps\common\" folder and then follow the instructions from the above thread to create a junction to it so that you can use TinyMiner without having to change your gaming settings all the time.
Worked, thank you. Unfortunately it asks me to login with my EVE account and doesnt let me use steam :(

Bugging CCP about moving the character to a normal acct now
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