First thoughts.

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First thoughts.

Post by necro99 »

Hi, I'm new here. :)

So anyway, just a couple of thoughts before I really start digging into the world of Eve bot mining,

A ) Any chance of getting some sort of API for powershell interaction? would be nice to create some scheduled tasks in windows that utilize powershell scripts to automate starting/stopping/reconfiguring the bot depending on day/time/local resource usage/whatever. I'm a bit of a POSH geek and it would just tickle my fancy to have that ability and I have a feeling I wouldn't be able to resist tinkering with it incessantly.

B ) are there any plans (or does it already exist and I just didn't see it?) for very basic system scanning/interaction? my thoughts on this really have far more to do with automating the asteroid belt bookmark location creation process than any wormhole-ish kind of stuff. I'm already cranky about having to manually map out 20+ asteroid belts and ctrl+v myself into tearful submission.

I'm sure i'll think of more at some point but this should be good for now.
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Re: First thoughts.

Post by VanGoghGaming »

A) I'm not sure what you're asking here but there is already an AutoLoginScheduler app in the works and due to be released very soon. It will enable you to schedule mining sessions at any convenient times (not only to bypass Eve's daily downtime) and also choose which accounts and characters to mine with!

B) Yes there are plans to introduce a new feature that will scan for newly spawned asteroids or ICE belts and warp there to mine them.
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Re: First thoughts.

Post by necro99 »

VanGoghGaming wrote:A) I'm not sure what you're asking here but there is already an AutoLoginScheduler app in the works and due to be released very soon. It will enable you to schedule mining sessions at any convenient times (not only to bypass Eve's daily downtime) and also choose which accounts and characters to mine with!
cool, but not really what I mean. don't get me wrong here, I am in no way trying to downplay what the bot is capable of. what I'm wondering is, is there, or can there be at some point, a way for the user to interact with the miner at code level (in a POSH shell preferably) rather than via the gui. I did some cursory searching but didn't find any config files to modify, hell I didn't even see where the profiles were saved to. the intent being to be able to write custom scripts that can be used to take far more things into account when the bot is making decisions about how to proceed at any given time. for example, if for some reason the PC itself is having trouble keeping up for whatever reason, the CPU is pegged, RAM is being hogged by another process, machine is overheating, the network connection is being bogged down by bratty kids and their spongebob Netflix streaming, whatever, literally anything that can be monitored via a POSH script, and tell the miner to dock somewhere or logoff where they are or basically take any action the bot is capable of should the $unforseen occur.
B) Yes there are plans to introduce a new feature that will scan for newly spawned asteroids or ICE belts and warp there to mine them.
awesome, being the freak I am about automation I was grinding my teeth the whole time I was setting up my belts list lol. and again, I know that I'm the weird one, some of the stuff I would like to see implemented is almost assuredly either impossible or extremely difficult to incorporate. I am completely clueless about eve coding of any kind, hell I dont even know what language is used or if it's a custom language for that matter which really wouldn't surprise me a bit considering that we're talking about CCP, and my .net is scary bad so my ignorance of how you get it to work is more than apparent.
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Re: First thoughts.

Post by necro99 »

what I'm wondering is, is there, or can there be at some point, a way for the user to interact with the miner at code level (in a POSH shell preferably) rather than via the gui.
soooo, no chance? or just extremely unlikely?
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Re: First thoughts.

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Well let's think about it this way, there's only one of me and as of this moment right now there are 5080 registered TinyMiner forum members and out of all of them there's just YOU who wants shell integration!
VanGogh - Power-Gamer at Large!
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Re: First thoughts.

Post by necro99 »

VanGoghGaming wrote:Well let's think about it this way, there's only one of me and as of this moment right now there are 5080 registered TinyMiner forum members and out of all of them there's just YOU who wants shell integration!
fair enough, anything i could do to... persuade you?


this could turn out to be one of those things that people didn't know they wanted till they found out what all could be done with it. well, the ones capable of learning a little scripting anyway. or copypasta at the very least. anyway, really not trying to be a pain in the ass here man, but it does appear that that's how its coming across so i'll just shut up now and vanish back into the ether from whence i came.
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