Feature Request - Optional orbiting (DONE)

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Feature Request - Optional orbiting (DONE)

Post by Gdemon »

just wondering in a future verson if u could click a button on the setup so you dont orbit the asteroids .
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

Orbiting ensures asteroids are always within mining range, it is also used to approach when outside mining range and helps against getting stuck as well. It is pretty much an essential part of the program. You can configure the default orbit distance in EVE Online. Good values are between 500-5000m.
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Post by Gdemon »

ah yeah i understand its purpose but i just mine ice and the size of the ice asteroids sometimes mean when a cycle is finished you can be out of range of the 2nd asteroid even if your oribting at 1k of the asteroid just because of the sheer size of them.
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I agree with Gdemon

Post by talisman »

I must agree with Gdemon. I think you have a click option that gives the user the option to orbit or not. I constantly get caught on roids when trying to warp back to the station. This happens regardless of how I set my orbit because no matter where you set your orbit you are going to go through the asteroid field and have a chance to get caught on a roid. If people like the orbit option then fine they don't have to click it off. If they don't want to orbit then they should be allowed to not orbit.
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Post by ramanokoth »

Yes ditto here VanGogh. I mine ice. Ice mining lasers only have a 10km range and when your ship auto orbits it can easily put your ship out of range or into the path of other peices of ice.

I actually wrote a post in the Faq section about it.

But yes this would be a seemingly small, yet immense improvement on your macro.
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

Version 1.40 is out with a couple of options regarding ICE mining (no orbiting and all lasers on the same asteroid).
Last edited by VanGoghGaming on Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
VanGogh - Power-Gamer at Large!
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