feature request (s)

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feature request (s)

Post by mutt »

heres some stuff I've been knocking around... in no particular order

1) maximize mining.... when on the "last cycle" do not shut off the lasers... let em run until you warp out... Lag's Ice Mining Optimization works that way.... and ore mining would too... you might as well let them lasers rip while you are gathering drones.... aligning for warp.... gaining speed.... numbering your feathers, counting chickens... or whatever... and WHO CARES if your cargo hold is full and your lasers are drilling away until you warp away... its not like the stuff goes to waste... I guess it MIGHT be an issue if you are "cap tight"... to that I say... "SKILL UP BUDDY!"

2) abandon wrecks.... miners rarely loot or salvage their wrecks... those who roam belts looking for rats wont ping you looking for "permission" to loot them if they are abandoned... it could work something like this... create an overview ONLY for wrecks.... if you place it on the right either as a second window with your belt overview (easiest) or as a 2nd overview window below the roid view... (this could drive VG over the edge... as everyone would be just a little different)... once you have the wreck overview as a 2nd window in the overview, when you have recalled your drones (how ELSE would you kill a rat?) switch the overview to the wreck, select the first one, and "abandon all"...

3) Drones.... especially with POS mining...
I have taken up opening a "drone bay" and putting it in the bottom right hand corner, so I can keep track of my "drone status." when I mine at a POS, I assign a bin to each miner (just because I'm "curious")... lets say I have 4 miners... that leaves 3 bins for me to do whatever... if you put drones in say "bin 5" (you would probably have to unstack them... but...) you could drag them from bin-5 to the drone bay... this would refresh your drones every run... the only "fly" I see in the ointment is if all your drones die... the drone bay window closes... and the only way I know to open it is to open the "fitting window"... and click on the "drone bay"... (theres probably a keystroke to do it... lol)

4) a "pause at the end of this run" button.... (and who knows maybe a "DOCK NOW" keystroke combo) I could use the first one of these to refresh my drones... and the 2nd if WT's or Hostiles appear and I just happen to be sitting there... typing up suggestions on the forum.... };-P>8
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Re: feature request (s)

Post by mutt »

and another
5) option with POS to trigger medium/low slots on every outbound warp (every warp away from the POS)
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Re: feature request (s)

Post by mutt »

Hey VG

any thoughts on these?

oh... and hows "multi-ice miner" coming?

or have you found that burning orb in the sky, and are now addicted to a REAL life... lol

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Re: feature request (s)

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Your first suggestion has been implemented in the latest version v5.3. As for the others, meh, maybe some other time. :wink:

Next in line is the ICE multi-miner!
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Re: feature request (s)

Post by kargo27 »

Is it possible to put in an "approach" setting so that the ships can approach roids that are just out of reach? :o

I'm loving this macro, I'm using the Gate Mining feature ATM, and it's working flawlessly.

I did have an odd thing when I initially jumped, it gave the shield critical damage warning but there was no shield damage. It hasn't happened again. :)
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Re: feature request (s)

Post by VanGoghGaming »

It already has an approach feature, it's called Orbiting. It's been there since the first version ever. Set a default orbit distance of 3500m as suggested in the tutorial. Using regular approach would get you stuck in the asteroid and you don't want that. Better yet use the "Warp from 200km option" for supreme efficiency.
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Re: feature request (s)

Post by mike2star2000 »

+1 for multiminer

With prices dipping could provide nice bonus :-)

Ty for hard work VG.
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Re: feature request (s)

Post by mutt »

any word on the progress of the multi-miner?
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Re: feature request (s)

Post by kencbc »

Request 1

I was wondering is there a way ( when Jet can mining ) too fill the can *instead of just dumbing a new can* that or give a label can feature to the can being jetted, Kinda like a insert text box that will appear on the can

Request 2

Is there a way to have a gate mining setting more then one jump ?
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Re: feature request (s)

Post by VanGoghGaming »

1) What would be the point? People using the Orbit function to approach distant asteroids would quickly get out of range of the previous can, that's why it's easier to just jettison a new can after each mining run.

2) Well it could be made to mine a system in Minmatar space and unload the ore in Jita for that matter but again what would be the point? The more jumps it makes the less ISK you get in your pocket. Simply look for a different system that is situated in a more favorable position for what you want to do. The EVE maps included in the bonus pack should help you make an informed decision.
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Re: feature request (s)

Post by Rusty69 »

I seen this thread and just prefer to bump this one instead of making a new one.

Is there any plans for a three ice miner client? I presume this is what some people in the above post refer to as the ice multi-miner :?:

I'd be happy to pay a premiun..or a "upgrade" fee on my TM plus to get 3 miners going on one PC. I'd rather do this then buy another cheap lappy.

Not sure what the "ore" ppl will think..but meh, ice ftw :D
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Re: feature request (s)

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Yes the ice multi-miner will be able to use as many clients as you want exclusively for mining ice. Many new things are planned for this year so I am a bit swamped. At the moment I am waiting for this last EVE patch to see what else CCP will modify in their interface and then the coast is clear for releasing new stuff.
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Re: feature request (s)

Post by Rusty69 »

Sweet..this is great news. Well, if that the case, i'll try and hold off as long as i can from buying another lappy.

Keep up the good work buddy :wink:
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Re: feature request (s)

Post by mythos »

Hello, I started to use TM only today and already have some new suggestions to improve even further the software:
Suggestion 1: Mine different systems in same day.
One additional bookmark folder with stations next to mining spots folder. Each station in one different system.
The mining spots folder would have do have ALL bookmarks to ALL systems you want to mine, and every system has to have the same number of bookmarks.
If the bookmarks are organized by proximity (Jumps), the other system bookmarks will be in the end.
The stations folder should be organized by name to TM always know exactly where to go.

After undock select one station and SET DESTINATION and GO
In the system, start mining as normal for NN cycles and select other different Station.....
The selection could be random or could let us define the jump list (ex: begin > 3 > 6 > 4 > 2 > 5 > goto begin)

As optional could force instant system change if someone uses local chat and/or if someone else in local

With this, probably a miner would only visit the same mine field days after, given time to things calm down and rocks to grow :) ... like crop rotation

Suggestion 2: Active Pause (Multitasking)
When Pause is pressed while lasers active, the time counter should only stop if timer<=1.
A warning could sound to warn us at 5 seconds from cycle end to give us time to minimize other windows and let the mouse free to TM.
This way we could do something during some time and be back to Eve without mine too much ore in that cycle.

Suggestion 3: Instant dock
I personally would prefer that the FINAL RUN did instant dock, allowing me to change some configuration in TM and then let me Start it again.
In the present version I have to quit TM just to adjust the configuration.
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yet another feature request

Post by mythos »

Suggestion 4: Salvaging Bot
I had the idea of a bot to do salvaging after me when I'm doing mission

A simple approach could be something like this:

Code: Select all

For the example lets consider a ship with 5 tractors and 3 salvagers and skills to do lock to 5 targets
The user, while doing the mission, takes bookmarks of the spots.
After delivering the mission to the agent (to end with the acceleration gates) the user gives the bookmarks to the Salvager Char
The Salvager Char has the Station Bookmarked
Then, with the overview filtered only to Wrecks and Containers,

Code: Select all

Set Destination to 1º Bookmark System  --(if needed)  .... (optional in my opinion, but would help)
Warp to System  --(if needed)
Warp to 1º Bookmark

NL=Max Tractors  --(NL represents Number of Locks, 5 in this example)
NNL=0  --(NNL represents New Number of Locks, to test success with salvager)

WHILE Overview has Wrecks OR has Containers
	If  NNL < (NL-1)
		Unlock ALL possible Locks
		Lock the first 5 items from overview, and Activate 1 Tractor per Lock
	End If

	Orbit Lock 1
	Lock Position 1
		Try open Loot window , Grab items and Close window --(in the case of empty box)
		Salvager 1 ON
		Salvager 1 OFF
	Lock Position 2
		Try open Loot window , Grab items and Close window --(in the case of empty box)
		Salvager 2 ON
		Salvager 2 OFF
	Lock Position 3
		Try open Loot window , Grab items and Close window --(in the case of empty box)
		Salvager 3 ON
		Salvager 3 OFF

	Wait Salvager cycle time
	NNL= Detect Number of Locks Active

Set Destination to 2º Bookmark System  --(if needed)  .... (optional in my opinion, but would help in case we accumulate several missions)
Warp to System  --(if needed)  
Warp to 2º Bookmark
No more Bookmarks
Set Destination to  Station Bookmark System  --(if needed) 
Warp to System  --(if needed)  
Dock and Unload
I don't know if is easy to detect the full cargohold but if not, a simple way of avoiding problems it is to set a value to the max number of times that the test (NL<NL-1) gives True.
You could even set a failsafe value to force dock and unload the cargohold

If you can detect when the salvagers are active or not its possible to improve even more the algorithm because instead of deactivating the salvagers every try you just wait for one to go off by himself and then LOOP. The part where I test number of locks and unlock all is to make all salvager to go off.

This might be a bit inefficient but with the Noctis I think that its good enough.
With this tool my miner would gain something new to do, helping to disguise its true occupation.
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Re: feature request (s)

Post by Minesalot »

Resurrecting old topic but... Just last night I was watching "Tiny" doing his thing, when someone in Local asked if the person in belt 1 could release the wrecks for salvage. I went ahead and tabbed over to my wrecks tab and right clicked and abandoned my wrecks. They said "Thank you non bot miner!" woot i am not a bot when i release wrecks on request.

That gave me an idea. Much like you use the yellow color code for the jump hauler, and click to change tabs in station for repair and item drops, could you see about implementing some more complex coding to seem more non bot like?

1) add a tab for wrecks, and auto tab over after clicking pick up drones, check for white wrecks, then abandon them either before right clicking to dock to station.

2) monitor local chat for key words of "wreck" to do it mid run.

3) Dummy mode for mining - oops forgot to change tabs on initial setup, "start tiny"- undock - click overview tab position 2 "asteroids" then warp to BM's.

4) Dummy mode for Tiny Hauler - Oops forgot to change tabs after mining, "start jumping" - undock - click overview tab 3 "stargates" then proceed to jumping.

Going by the tutorial everyone should have the Overview tabs "Default" "Asteroids" "Stargates" "Wrecks" in that order. Should be pretty simple, yet would take you time to implement. I think you already have done all the hard work of coding, just need to add some more in the right places.
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Re: feature request (s)

Post by Sid-T »

Minesalot wrote:That gave me an idea. Much like you use the yellow color code for the jump hauler, and click to change tabs in station for repair and item drops, could you see about implementing some more complex coding to seem more non bot like?
Going by the tutorial everyone should have the Overview tabs "Default" "Asteroids" "Stargates" "Wrecks" in that order. Should be pretty simple, yet would take you time to implement. I think you already have done all the hard work of coding, just need to add some more in the right places.
I would also like to suggest another addition to this...
If I am non-tiny mining, If i jump into one of my BMs and there is someone already mining there, I either jump out to another belt or I make sure I don't mine the same roids they're targetting....
In TM mode, a couple of times I have noticed in the closing screenshot a neighbour or two making some comment about me mining "their" roids.... so I was thinking .. how about having a "different belt if already occupied" option that would work by having a "Ships" tab and when you warp into a belt check to see if any ships are already in there and if they are, choose a different BM from you list?

Not sure if that's possible, but would also look a bit more "human" like and yould avoid upsetting the neighbours who nay be more likely to file a "bot" report if you mine "their" roids.

Just a thought, carry on the great work!
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