'Claiming' belts

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'Claiming' belts

Post by howard »

So since a t1 thrasher can kill an average retriever (cost is around 300k after insurance vs 10m-ish retriever) and 4 suicide fit cruisers make short work of a Hulk, how do you guys cope? Personally I use belts that are out of the way but I have an ace up my sleeve when someone does find me. Since most suicide gankers use t1 ships they have really shitty sensor strength. What I do is I fit up 2 noob accounts with ECM griffins and then pre-emptively ECM ships that try to lock my miners. It takes literally a day to get decent jamming skills and it's saved about a bil of isk (not that that matters with several hulks mining 23/7 :roll: )

This works great in highsec since it calls concord to the belt as well, making future gank attempts impossible. In nullsec you can keep people permajammed with just 3 noob accounts unless they fit eccm (yeah right) :D

Also if you want to remove competition from a belt, 1 thrasher can kill an avg retriever and down in 0.8 down, 2 can kill a mack but you need 3 to make sure. As stated before, 4 cruiser hulls (ruppies, thoraxes) will make short work of a hulk at pretty much no cost (t1 fit, insurance). Destroyer/weapon skills take about a week so you can make a 21 day trial, use plex, receive plex and have 40+ days of ganker/protector pilot for free. Also allows for multiboxing (think 3 griffins orbiting your robotic fleet).

Warning: if someone uses smartbombing BS you're still SoL.

What do you guys use to cope? Or do you just take the isk hit and reship?
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Re: 'Claiming' belts

Post by mikeya »

Well if they want to take you down they will but if you are smart you can make damn sure that you are not their prime target and that means making sure that your Hulk is properly fitted. Me never been ganked once but plenty of people have in the systems I mine is as 1) I don't look like a macro miner on casual inspection 2) I fit my hulk properly.
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Re: 'Claiming' belts

Post by howard »

Yeah just fitting a DCU and some semblance of tank really makes a difference. Tho I can reccommend the ecm alt :)
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Re: 'Claiming' belts

Post by mikeya »

Surely that means being at the keyboard?
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Re: 'Claiming' belts

Post by darthballz »

I got ganked the other day by a group of thrashers, checked system and surrounding area on evekill..net and turns out this 1 corp had been ganking quiet a lot of hulks in my system and surroundings lately so I've just set the corp red and will now use local monitor untill I can afford an alt and have either ecm boats or perma logi reps
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Re: 'Claiming' belts

Post by mikeya »

To be honest the amount this happens surely it would pay to just run the alt as a miner and you'd be easily cover your loses and more over. Yes some ganker may get you every few months but in those few months your alt miner will have made enough to buy 5 hulks and paid for its PLEX.
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Goonswarm: They are doing something with Ice and Oxytopes

Post by eveminer »

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Re: Goonswarm: They are doing something with Ice and Oxytope

Post by howard »

I got the intel early and bought some oxytopes of my own at 600/u 8)
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Re: 'Claiming' belts

Post by bulletbotter »

@ mikeya,

I have read a bunch of the forum posts about not getting discovered macro-ing, I was just wondering what your definition of not looking like a macro is?

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