This works great in highsec since it calls concord to the belt as well, making future gank attempts impossible. In nullsec you can keep people permajammed with just 3 noob accounts unless they fit eccm (yeah right)

Also if you want to remove competition from a belt, 1 thrasher can kill an avg retriever and down in 0.8 down, 2 can kill a mack but you need 3 to make sure. As stated before, 4 cruiser hulls (ruppies, thoraxes) will make short work of a hulk at pretty much no cost (t1 fit, insurance). Destroyer/weapon skills take about a week so you can make a 21 day trial, use plex, receive plex and have 40+ days of ganker/protector pilot for free. Also allows for multiboxing (think 3 griffins orbiting your robotic fleet).
Warning: if someone uses smartbombing BS you're still SoL.
What do you guys use to cope? Or do you just take the isk hit and reship?