What to mine??

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What to mine??

Post by MackMiner »

i?ve been using TM for a few days and got a question.....

i been mining Veld but it seems that the roids pop so the range between them get to big so only 1 or 2 miners mine (loosing me lots of isk) so the question is should i mine all for the ore to get full haul every time or just veld + 2-3 others????????

Thx in advance.

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Post by TJRedleg »

Depends on what I'm doing but as of late ive been mining strictly veld using jetcan mining.

I can do in a few hours what it normally takes all night to do which is mine about 900m3 of ores, whatever they may be. The problem I have at this point is others stripping my belts.

Luckily for me I have an alt corp that can usually take care of the more inconsiderate types out there.
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What to mine?

Post by cactusito »

OK.. I have been using this and faced the same quandry.... in 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 i would just mine Veld... you can sell it for as much ISK as the others... 0.5 systems have PLagioglas.. now that make you more money and in 0.5 its reasobably safe.. i use 5x light hornet drones and get about 800,000 isk pet 1000m3 hold full.. so nice n profitable.. Hulk, T2 lasers with T2 crystals.... Cargo optimisers in Rig slots and Mining laser upgrades T2 (2 of em) in the low slots... Works for me..... Hope this helps someone... Oh.. mid slots have sheild hardeners. Kinetic/Explosive/EM just in case..... PvP will kill you no matter what but std NPC pirates get chewed by the drones !!
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Re: What to mine?

Post by JimmyDean27 »

I'm guessing you meant 10,000m3, not 1000 :?: (which if memory serves me correctly, sounds about right for 10km3 of most ores, give or take a tad) Personally I've turned to ice, due to simplicity, though haven't crunched the numbers to see if it's any more profitable given the additional cycle time. (it's currently taking me 42 minutes to pull down 18 chunks/almost one hold full, which sells for about 2.4m, with room for skill improvement) Anybody tried Pyroxerenes (sp), which I think 333 units of refines to Noxicum..
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Re: What to mine??

Post by lagmonster »

Ice currently, more profit, lesser worries, pretty low profile.

Roids, I just strip belts.. all that thinking and talkng just cost time and time = :mrgreen:
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Re: What to mine??

Post by Dowie »

Having just returned to Ev after a long time away I am at a loss as to what area to mine in. Am I right in thinking that Ice is only in <4 now?
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Re: What to mine??

Post by VanGoghGaming »

You can find lower quality ICE in systems as high as 0.7. Use the EVE maps distributed in the bonus pack to locate systems with ICE belts.
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Re: What to mine??

Post by lagmonster »

Helpful site; http://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/Fensi <-- Fensi just an example ofcoz ;)
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So what do you AFK mine?

Post by dampdream »

being pretty new to mining alltogether, let alone botting it. I know its not beneficial to one to share trade secrets, but what are peeps find to be the most profitable empire ore atm?
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Re: What to mine??

Post by Thor »

This all depends on the Mineral Price in your area. In my area, Veld, Scor and Kern are pretty much equal value at about 2 Mil per 17km3 Ice on the other hand is pretty much 100k a cube.
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