I'd like to bump this thread...
Well incursions is here and my intial statement seems to be true..this is CCP's suttle way of combatting marco miners and other bots.
I tested it out yesterday and all i can say...afk mining WILL NOT be possible in a infected system. my 1600mm plate vexor died within 2 secs when i warped to a belt..in a 0.8 system which had a BS, 3 cruisers and 2 frigs. The AI is unbelievable on these things..twice as lethel then sleepers. The DPS is absolutly insane and will dare say be having alot of noobs going..WTF

. And even if you could tank the rats...mining will still be useless as you get jammed..so if will play havoc on your cycles. These things jam, nos, nuet and scram...so yer...no hope really. Dont even bother using the "critical sheild logout" option on TM...it wont work as you will simple be alphed by the rats, or died anyway by the time you warp off.
What to do then?...have multiply system setups with BMs and ready to go...have jump clones ready to instantly go from on place to another..this what i'll be doing. If a incursion is in your system..leave and mine somewhere else. As for TM...yer VG, some sort of incursion detector will be near essiential in the future..but i'm not sure how you going to do it....maybe when the automatic local incursion chat box comes up, have it positioned over the overview and once that happened, TM wont be able to lock anything..then it will error and quit the client..i have no idea about..just a guess on maybe one way of doing it. Hopefully the incursions wont move around too much, depends on how quick ppl kill them i suppose. ATM, ppl have no idea how to conquer the sites....had a corpie watch a 40 man fleet warp into a site, couple minutes later he watched 40 pods warp out lol. So yer..it will be a while (quite a while imo) til ppl know how to do them. This is also why i say incursions are "CCP's suttle way of combatting marcos" as the risk/reward for doing the site make it pointless to do....unless you have double the recommended pilots in your fleet, and it that the case..you may complete the site, but when the reward is divided between the fleet, hardly anyone will get anything.
Anyway..thats my rant....so yer, dont use TM in a infected system, you just asking for trouble.