New possible layout setup to fix known issues

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New possible layout setup to fix known issues

Post by chastok »

To solve the various Selected pane problems (when it gets bigger or smaller due to more or less icons) isn't one fairly straightforward solution to move the overview to the bottom left and make it as small as possible?

When you do this, it still leaves 2 or 3 roids displayed. It then never even touches the selected pane and therefore that can't cause issues.

I see no downside and only upside.
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Re: New possible layout setup to fix known issues

Post by VanGoghGaming »

TinyMiner is able to detect whether the Selected Items window has either small or big icons and will click the correct ones so this is not a problem. Also you can overlap the Overview a bit on top of the Selected Items window so that it won't be pushed down anymore:


Of course this is an older screenshot so make sure both windows are UNPINNED now (opaque).
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