As usual Tm is rock solid The new FEATURES in 4.3 are AMAZING. I do have a request though or rather a question. I notice that TM will turn off the mining lasers then unlock each asteroid before re locking the asteroids again and then turn on the lasers. Is it possible to have TM just turn off the mining lasers, check that there are three asteroids targeted, then engage the mining lasers again? I figured by not having to lock and unlock asteroids constantly it should shave some time off each session. Please keep up the good work, TM is by far the best bot out there
Excellent suggestion! This feature has now been added in the latest version v4.4. Optimized the lasers management, now the asteroids will no longer be unlocked every time. The program will first check how many asteroids are still left standing after each mining cycle and if they are less than the number of lasers then a fresh batch will be targeted. Therefore no more time will be lost with unlocking thus further boosting your mining yield.
Oh man this thing is sooo fast now it boggles the mind. What can I say but thank you ! for giving us yet another excellent version of TM . Well done VanGogh
yea, had the same question.
Locking and unlocking takes with me +/- 10 sec, doing 6 cycles means i win 60 sec.
So when you do 10 runs, you save 10 min.
However i would see it as an option under ' Options especially usefull for mining iCE'
Make a second line with option : ' don't unlock'
Why ? When the roids are very big i usual mine with 'Don't orbit' fixed range.
When you orbit it's possibel when you don't unlock, the miner range is out of range. So beter have the option 'don't unlock'
The "fallback" feature added in a previous version v4.1 will guarantee that if any asteroids are out of range then all lasers will be activated on the first asteroid which should always be in range since you are orbiting it. Make sure you have the Orbit function activated when you're mining anything other than ICE. It will ensure you always keep new asteroids within mining range as old ones begin to pop.
i noticed that when 1 of 3 rocks pops TM target back the 3 first rocks in the list. So you might end up with 5 rocks.
TM also orbit always on the first rock that's still in your screen.
Mining in scattered fields means when the 2d and/or 3th rock pops and orbitting the first you could end up between the rocks.
Is it possibel to orbit the first rock in the list and not the first rock on the screen ? So you always try to keep the orbit from the nearest rock in the list (that's your real nearest rock) and not the rock on the screen (that's just the first mining spot).
When doing so, it's possibel that you might drift away from your first mining rock, so alternate orbit between mining rock and first list rock might resolve that problem.
Got the same problem here.
I think another way would be to release all roids when any of them poped out, and target new 3 roids, so you have always 3 targeted roids on screen.
In my case i use 3 too.
If you are mining ice, it is easier to just set TM for 1 mining cycle and set the time for the cycle to be long enough to last for 3 full laser cycles. (or however many laser cycles are required to fill your cargo). For my mack, it is like around 1000 seconds or whatever. The ice never pops, so there is no reason to ever unlock or turn your lasers off until your hold is full.
Marker wrote:yea, had the same question.
Locking and unlocking takes with me +/- 10 sec, doing 6 cycles means i win 60 sec.
So when you do 10 runs, you save 10 min.
However i would see it as an option under ' Options especially usefull for mining iCE'
Make a second line with option : ' don't unlock'
Why ? When the roids are very big i usual mine with 'Don't orbit' fixed range.
When you orbit it's possibel when you don't unlock, the miner range is out of range. So beter have the option 'don't unlock'
Just an idea.
Unlocking the currently targeted asteroids has been made an optional feature now in the latest version v5.0. Also the behavior when using the "Do NOT Orbit" option has been improved to take care of situations when asteroids were out of mining range and they couldn't be approached because Orbiting had been turned off.