Standings and Tags

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Standings and Tags

Post by thedesertwolf0 »

This is more of a standings question in order to put together a tower and mining point in a system nowhere near anything that has a plethora of ice to play with.

Are tags worth purchasing to raise standings? And if so how many to go from 0.0 standing to reasonable, say 7.0 to set up a station? I could have sworn they were only a one time use item.

I know the rewards for missions/ded complexes are altered with social/negotiations but I would like to see what the math would be for someone without either of those skills.
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Re: Standings and Tags

Post by VanGoghGaming »

You want Social and Connections to level 3 at the very least, it doesn't take long. Also it would help a lot if somebody with enough standings would run lvl 4 missions for you while you are fleeted.
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Re: Standings and Tags

Post by thedesertwolf0 »

It was more just in regards to the tags themselves. I could have sworn that the "missions" they provided were only a one time deal. Am I mistaken on this?
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Re: Standings and Tags

Post by VanGoghGaming »

They are a one time deal yes. Usually they are worth it when you already have a lot of standings and it's getting harder to get more. You could do the ones that require cheaper tags though...
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Re: Standings and Tags

Post by lagmonster »

Cosmos Agents:

When your standing reaches say 5+, start buying tags like the gold, silver, brass and bronze.
Spend 500m, or 1b, who cares.

For the Cosmos missions you get BPC's that are only valued when you actually build and be able to sell them.
They are hugely expensive to build but produce the best T1 (Storyline) items.

That would make up for the tag-investment.

Basically you should not whine about the investment... this is afterall a macrominer forum ;)
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