Drones flight time (SOLVED)

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Drones flight time (SOLVED)

Post by sceeme2 »

Hello, is there anyway of changing the wait time between the drones boarding and the ship warping ?
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Re: Drones.

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Why, is it too short or too long?
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Re: Drones.

Post by sceeme2 »

At the moment it's too long, i'm sitting there for atleast 15 seconds after the drones have come in.

By the way i think the programs great, i've been using it since the weekend and its spot on in all other areas :D
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Re: Drones.

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Yes I reckon it should be. Regarding the drones return time, it can happen that the drones may be fighting a distant rat when the time comes for them to be called in and then the program must wait long enough for them to fly back to the drone bay. Since there is no way to account for this, the time must be long enough to cover all possible scenarios. A few extra seconds at the end of each run won't matter. You can disable the drones option all together if you can tank your ship well enough to survive the rats.
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Re: Drones.

Post by sceeme2 »

Cheers, never took that into account :D
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Re: Drones.

Post by mutt »

better idea...


like I said elsewhere... if you are abandoning drones... SHIELD UP.... and keep them buggers in the bay until you SKILL UP

specifically Drone Navigation... thats 5% mwd speed/level

AND.... damage... the more damage you do... the quicker those pesky rats are sent to their maker....

bottom line... skill up... 4s on everyting drone...

are you orbiting? that can add 2x your orbit range to wherever your drones roamed off to REAL quick.... and every m is precious flight time back to the bay...

and like I said elsewhere.... the 200km thing puts orbiting in a pretty useless category... unless you LIKE being pretty obvious what you are doing... or coming back to your pilot either stuck or logged off with the drone bay empty, and the item & overview windows in the middle of the screen.... heck.. in my pre-TM days I mined just like that... when I mined out everything in my strips range... I warped to the 200km point and warped back to the belt... it was SOOO much faster than pushing that dang barge to the next roid in the belt....

I've stopped orbiting all together... 200km & warping 2km from the nearest roid will keep you from getting stuck... and make it so the drones are close enough to get back... I lose drones to damage... but I havent abandoned any... that I am aware of... and I'll lose about 1 drone / pilot / day...

also... fly a mix... I fly 1 sentry... 1 medium.... and 3 light... them sentry's dont fire fast.... and they miss... but when they HIT... things just disappear....

I'd LOVE to find a way to check on drone damage while you are at a POS... cant launch them inside a shield... grrrr
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Re: Drones.

Post by sceeme2 »

I have quite high skills, basically 4s and 5s in drone skills, i've been mining ice, dont orbit and when I do mine roids I create my own BM's atleast 5k from the roids and basically do as you have stated. Its not an issue with losing drones its more the issue of sitting and waiting after the drones have come aboard. Thanks for your help anyway and basically clarifying that I am doing things right, hopefully :D
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