For those of you who don't know the Goons have been waging war against defenseless miners in Empire.
Here's a link to one of their killboards.
I say "one" because this isn't their only kb, but it is specific to killing miners.
Notice how most if not all the kills are in .7 and below. I'm not sure of this but maybe concord is more responsive in higher security systems.
Tip: Jihadswarm
That is correct. As the security of the system increases the reaction tiem of concord gets faster. In 1.0 concord will appear almost instantly.Notice how most if not all the kills are in .7 and below. I'm not sure of this but maybe concord is more responsive in higher security systems.
Heres something not everyone knows about: If concord are already present at your belt/ planet/ station they will engage the aggressor straight away. A good trick is to get a noob ship and attack one of the asteroids or containers at the belt your mining at so concord appears to kill your noobship. They will stay around after it has happened and any suicide gankers are less likely to try and kill you