Request: Alarm sound when TM closes (DONE)

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Request: Alarm sound when TM closes (DONE)

Post by kelvin02 »

Hi, was wondering if it is possible to add on an alarm when TM shut down due to eve clashes or some other errors? I mostly leave my PC to to run the TM and only check on it once in awhile. Would be nice if it can alert you on in the event it shut down.
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Re: Request: Alarm sound when TM closes (DONE)

Post by VanGoghGaming »

This feature has been added in the latest version v4.4. Now if TM quits due to EVE crashes it will play the default "Windows Shutdown" sound. You can change the default Shutdown sound to anything else you want in your Windows Control Panel. To test this new feature you can quit EVE yourself while TM is running.
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