Feature Request: Approach Rocks (it already does that!)

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Feature Request: Approach Rocks (it already does that!)

Post by TJRedleg »

Like others I didn't particularly like the orbit roid command because of getting hung up on a rock. I realize you've incorporated a check for this situation but I'm still paranoid about it.

Was wondering if it would useful to have a keep at range feature. For example the player simply enters a minimum distance from the rock.

I've seen other programs that allow you to specify how close to get to a rock or how many rocks within x distance, but realize this may detract from the simplicity of TM, besides I could never get that program to work so maybe it's not a good idea. But if it's doable and fits within the philosophy of TM then by all means I'd like to see it.
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

As you said it yourself you've tried another program that advertised this feature and it failed to work. Truth be told I have started the TinyMiner project because initially I tried another program myself and I was frustrated by its failure. To be honest I think it is a rather difficult task to program an algorithm that can reliably read and understand the continuously changing roid distances from the overview. It would require advance optical character recognition algorithms that do not fit into the price of such programs and are also very prone to failure.

So I thought that the Orbit command would be a reliable and easy way to always approach new asteroids as they pop. So far it worked flawlessly for me as long as I set the default orbit distance to something reasonable like 2500-3000m. Also I understand the special case of mining ICE where the huge size of rocks and the fact that they are never depleted does not justify the use of orbiting around them so I introduced an option to disable that and set all lasers on the same ICE rock.
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Post by TJRedleg »

I'll give orbiting a try. One of the programs I've used that actually worked (but was way to slow) clicked on the approach button. The approach would only last for a few secs.

One of my issues with orbiting is that its not common to see miners orbiting their rocks at least none that I've observed.
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

Au contraire, a moving ship shows you are not afk because it will always orbit a different asteroid so your ship will not stay in the same place. I would suggest you don't worry about it because nobody cares what are you doing in your ship especially since you will be in a different belt every time. You could do backflips if your ship was capable of such things.
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