PLEX Cards

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PLEX Cards

Post by spaceman1979 »

Is anyone using TinyMiner to purchase PLEX cards?
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

Probably everyone is using it for that purpose, although EVE Time Codes from the forum are slightly cheaper than PLEX's.
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Post by spaceman1979 »

more just wondering if there are risks from using TM to purchase game cards and PLEX's.

Like do CCP investigate those that purchase them?
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Post by lagmonster »

Why would there be a bigger risk?
I am not getting it, why are you worried about that.

I've been using GTC's and now PLEX for 3 accounts, occasionally 4, for over the last 1.5 year and I use TM for over 6 months now.

Before that I once bought 500 million (2 year ago) and got fined 1 billion almost a year later.... teached me not to buy ISK but the meanings to get ISK instead.

VG; why would you care much about paying a bit more for a PLEX when you drown in ISK by just running TM 8)

I do wonder what people here do with the ISK they make... anything original?

/me invests huge (over 2 billion sofar) in speculating on WIS and even WOP (walking on planets as I call it which prolly won't come out for 2 years lol)
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

What the man said: Use TinyMiner to mine tons of ore -> sell the ore on the market -> buy ETCs or PLEXs -> Enjoy! Works like a charm.
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Post by lagmonster »

sorry boast-mode

Just bought 6 PLEX's for 306 million each to score another 2 months gameplay on my 3 accounts (2 miners).

Set till summerholiday and this only took me a month hi-sec mining aprox 10 hours a day on ice and roids 8)
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