Help with Problems Please

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Help with Problems Please

Post by mudplayerx »

First of all greetings, I am new here but not to botting. I apologize if this is not the correct channel.

I am having a few problems when using TM. First of all, since I have a 4k monitor, keeping Eve in 1024x768 makes the window tiny... I am not sure that this is done purposely. I have used the DPI solution for 4k monitors so it shouldn't be the root of these issues.

1. Mining drones do not work for me. TM seems to try to click the menu but just misses the buttons that it should be clicking to release the drones.
2. TM will frequently target asteroids out of range instead of the 30 or so that I have bookmarked well within range.
3. TM frequently clicks on blank portions of the location menu when trying to warp to a bookmarked mining belt. In fact it will say "choosing randomly, using belt 7 (or whatever other number)" when I only have 5 belts bookmarked.

It just seems to me that maybe the tiny ass little window might be involved in the problems, but that is just a guess. If I first warp to a bookmarked belt and target an astroid then start the bot, things usually run smoothly for quite awhile.


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Re: Help with Problems Please

Post by VanGoghGaming »

1. At the moment you need to select the option to manage drones by keyboard shortcuts (TinyMiner's Advanced Options) rather than mouse clicks. That way you don't have to worry about missclicks.

2. You need to bookmarks asteroid belts or rather a carefully selected spot inside an asteroid belt where you have as many asteroids within mining range as possible. After warping there, TinyMiner will target the first asteroid from the "Overview" and go from there so make sure the "Overview" is sorted by "Distance" (closest first).

3. You need to set the correct number of mining belts bookmarked in TinyMiner (default is 9). If you can't be bothered to make 9 bookmarks and only have 5 then input 5 as the number of belts bookmarked.

It doesn't matter how tiny your Eve window is as long as it's not artificially scaled up, there weren't any 4k monitors 15 years ago when TinyMiner first came out and the 1024x768 window size was chosen so that the program could work on all ranges of computers and laptops.
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Re: Help with Problems Please

Post by mudplayerx »

Thanks for the reply!

I figured out the mining drones just prior to having this thread ok'd by rummaging around the forums. #2 (targetting out of range asteroids) was fixed by turning my display's native resolution down from 4k to 1440. Nothing else seemed to correct the problem. I figured out #3 just prior to getting this thread ok'd as well. I initially thought that TM auto detected the # of asteroids belts. When I adjusted the number it started working like a dream.

All problems have been figured out, thanks for the reply.
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