Feature request / idea - Monitor Local, and if someone enters, cloak

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Feature request / idea - Monitor Local, and if someone enters, cloak

Post by Crash090 »

Hey there!

Been using TM for a long-long time, and all I can say is job well done!
I have an idea. When I mine in LS, what I usually do is to cloak up whenever someone enters the system. I've never used the monitor local option, but I'm sure that this can be done, since local chat has a player counter. Per my idea, the user could specify a number, which is the 'limit' for not cloaking, if the player number exceeds that, finish mining cycle and cloak up, if can't, for some reason, exit the game. It could monitor the number of targets locked, or the module activation method to make sure it's cloaked properly.

All the best: Crash
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