Ships and equipment configurations

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Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

The default settings that TinyMiner comes with are for a Hulk with:

Active Tanking:

High Slots: 3x Strip Miner
Med Slots: 1x T2 Small Shield Booster, 3x T2 Cap Recharger
Low Slots: 2x T2 Cargohold Expander
Rigs: 2x Cargohold Optimization

Passive Tanking:

High Slots: 3x Strip Miner
Med Slots: 4x T2 Small Shield Extender
Low Slots: 2x T2 Cargohold Expander
Rigs: 2x Cargohold Optimization

If you cannot pilot a Hulk just yet you could downgrade the above setup for a Retriever:

High Slots: 2x Strip Miner
Med Slots: 1x Small Shield Booster or Civilian Shield Booster (to go easy on the capacitor)
Low Slots: 2x T2 Cargohold Expander
Rigs: 3x Cargohold Optimization (if you play it safe in High Sec space)

Please feel free to post your ship's killer mining configuration!;)
Last edited by VanGoghGaming on Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

Since ICE harvesting has always been a lucrative business here's an optimal equipment configuration for a Mackinaw:

Active Tanking:

High Slots: 2x T2 Ice Harvester
Med Slots: 1x T2 Small Shield Booster, 3x Eutectic I Capacitor Charge Array
Low Slots: 1x T2 Cargohold Expander, 1x T2 Ice Harvester Upgrade
Rigs: 2x Cargohold Optimization

Passive Tanking:

High Slots: 2x T2 Ice Harvester
Med Slots: 3x Small Azeotropic Ward Salubrity I
Low Slots: 1x T2 Cargohold Expander, 1x T2 Ice Harvester Upgrade
Rigs: 2x Cargohold Optimization

And as always fill the drone bay with the best drones you can use.
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Post by Xinque »

Hello Might i add that it seem that the pithi-C Type Small Shield Booster can run like a champ on both active config it doesnt cost that much i got mines for like 8 mil each.. You dont much skills to make it works good.
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Post by ginganinja »

have you got any ideas on a setup that consists of only T1 stuff? ive got a whole 400k in engineering atm =\
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

As posted above the faction shield boosters (pithi or gisti) are doing an excellent job if you spend the extra buck to get them.
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Post by loony »

So Quantam gave the Mak another 1000m3 to its base cargo hold. Do we have any new Ice mining builds that optimize the new mak?
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Post by lagmonster »

loony wrote:So Quantam gave the Mak another 1000m3 to its base cargo hold. Do we have any new Ice mining builds that optimize the new mak?
Just tweak your timer, that's it. No new slots, just more space.
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Post by Dainius »

Strip Miner I x3
Invulnerability Field II
Dissipation Amplifier I
Dread Guristas Magnetic Scattering Amplifier
Magnetic Scattering Amplifier II
Expanded Cargohold II x2

Cargohold Optimization Rigs x2

Drones: HamerHead TII x5
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my setup on my hulk for 0.5

Post by roycebayles »

[Hulk, New Setup 1]
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II

Pithi B-Type Small Shield Booster
Magnetic Scattering Amplifier II
Heat Dissipation Amplifier II
Cap Recharger II

Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I

Cargohold Optimization I
Cargohold Optimization I

Hobgoblin II x5
Hobgoblin II x5
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Kris »

do you guys prefer and active or passive tank?
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Chiyeko »

I prefer active myself in general.

atm I use a hulk for ice mining bit far away from trade hubs and tad low on the cash so saving up for mack. thing only has a civ booster though but in a 0.7 system so not much danger around.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by roost383 »

This set up is Great against the solo Ganker in a 0.5 system
low slots- Pseudoelectron Containment Field, Halcyon' Core Equalizer 1
Mid Slots- Small shield booster 2, Invulnerability field 2, Magnetic scattering amplifier 2, Heat dissipation amplifier 2
High slots- Ice harvester II X 3
Rig Slots Medium Core defence field extender 1, Meduim Cargohold Optimization 1
with Max skills you get 74 Em, 79 thermal, 76 kinetic, 78 explosive 19500 effective hit points and your cap stable at 48 percent.
My cargo hold is only 9200 and my cycle time with implant is 302.81 but its free ice.
This is a good fit against the solo ganker and for me its about survivability. Hope this helps
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best set up for a hulk

Post by lazyghost »

Hi guys what is the best set up fora hulk to mine the most amount of ore is it to fit 2 cargo expanders and mine till they full then head bakc or is it to fit to mining laser upgrades with smaller hold and do more trips ? anyone help me atm iam going for the 17km3 option but can easyly fit 2 upgrades and jsut have more trips as filling the cargo will be super fast
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by mutt »

bottom line, time with lasers on roids is the best way to maximize your yield....

however.... there is that "pesky" time spent flying back and forth to your drop... be that a POS, or a station... that time is ZERO yield... hence the bigger the cargo-load, the less trips to the drop....

look for the "14 cube" post... in there I talk about Ice mining... ore mining isnt any different... other than a hulk has about 75% more cargoload with expanded cargoholds

if you were mining and dumping jetcans in the belt, then MLUs would DEFINITELY pay, because you simply dont have any "warp & unload" time

the other question you didnt ask is about T1 (1285m3/cycle) vs T2 strips (1497m3/cycle WITH THE RIGHT T2 CRYSTALS)... the drawback to T2 strips is that they require appropriate crystals... which wear out... I think mine wore out after about 20-25 hours and T2 strips SUCK without crystals...

another thing I noticed... if you mine with T1s orbiting keeps you in 'roids... and fairly free of getting stuck on a roid

with T2's you change your overview to only show you the roids appropriate to your crystals... this means the overview will only be showing 25% or less of the roids in a given belt... when I used orbiting I got stuck... FREQUENTLY... getting stuck means less time with lasers on roids... and less yield

I have taken up turning "orbiting" off with T2 mining... and it works rather well... it also allows me to deploy a Sentry Drones, which REALLY pack some wallop... from a LONG way away (I typically deploy 1 sentry, 1 medium, and 3 scouts that way there is NO mercy). the first week I stepped down into lowersec space (.5) with NOOB drone skills I lost 2 hulks... which kinda sucked... I now have 4s across the board... and will very soon be trained up to deploy T2s... which should allow me to step down into even LOWER sec space....
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by lazyghost »

yer thanx for the reply mutt.

when i first started using TM i used to use T2 with T2 crystals mining veld scordite or plag but i had a think and came to the conclusion that using t1 would be better cos dont waste time flying around a belt looking for only one ore type or running out mid cargo having to spend time going to other belt to fill up. but i just don't know what is the best way to go :) T2s and one ore type IE for say 4 hours off the day mine veld then change to scordite then go to plag and then back to veld so that i always have lots of ore and never not mining or do as i do atm have all 3 showing and mine what ever is in range this way i am mining 100% or pretty much 100% of the time i am in the belt...
I am just not sure :) and then there is the risk off the crystals burning out and i am not able to replace cos i am afk at the time be ice if u could load crystals like u can ammo have say 10 on at a time that say last a week or 2 then just load up another 10 :) and it auto changes them when one pops :) but that's wishful thinking :)

i am also thinking about whether it be worth me going to mine some Ice as well blue ice that is got a belt 10 jumps from me but i don't want to set up for ice to find its not worth as much . lol i just don't know what to do for best cash/time
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Recommended Hulk fitting for 1.0 to 0.5 sec mining?

Post by DikiDino »

Is there anyone recommending any kind of fitting to work on a hulk mainly mining at 0.5 and above to tank the rats? I notice mining at 0.5 with the rats pewing at my hulk, is quite risky. Lost a hulk today. :(
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Yes there are some great suggestions above. I have merged your new thread with this existing one so you can study it. As always if you don't have the proper skills then it's best to mine in high sec systems until you train better. Also it's a good idea to use the "Critical shield damage" option to make sure the program quits the game and allows your ship to warp out should your tank fail for whatever reason.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by aggrressor »

Coming from a 0.0 PVP school of fitting ships, I tried to come up with a setup, which will protect me against gankers (time for concord to show up) and to protect me against Rats. The result is a buffer tanked passive fit with good EHP. A lot of people came close but not quite (like fitting a small extender on a retreiver instead of a medium). Now i'm not bashing anyone's setups, there will always be differences, but in my view these are the best. Keep in mind that it's possible to create an even better tank, but you will sacrifice cargo space for that or yield, depending on what you have in your lows and rigs.
Here are my fits:

HULK: (70% Capacitor, 57ehp/sec passive recharge Omni tank, 14.5k EHP)
Highs: 3x Strip Miner I
Mids: 2x Invulnerability Field II; 2x Small Shield Extender II
Lows: 2x Expanded Cargohold
Rigs: 2x Medium Cargohold Optimization I

RETREIVER: (91% Capacitor, 12ehp/sec passive recharge tank, 4k EHP) - this fit withstood a ganker in a destroyer. Thanks to my drones and Concord I have a killmail on a macro bot lol :)
Highs: 3x Strip Miner I
Mids: 1x Medium FS-9 Regolith Shield Induction - Can fit a T2 extender with a 3% implant ('Squire' PG4)
Lows: 2x Expanded Cargohold
Rigs: 2x Medium Cargohold Optimization I

I also have a Covetor in case i loose my hulk, but that one is nothing special, just a T2 sheld extender in mids.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by jimw127 »

Nooblet question, but when you quit out where does your ship warp to? Does it go to a station? If it goes to a station, what if I'm mining in a zero station system? Will it warp to a jumpgate to find a system with a station? Will it jump me into a .4 system instead of the .5 system I came from?
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

No sure why are you asking this in the "Ships and equipment configuration" thread instead of asking it in the "Help" channel in game. The "Help" channel is a great resource for helping newbies as well as older players when they have questions about the game.

Of course you could always try it yourself and see what happens. In fact I'm sure you have already seen it by now but if you quit the game while the ship is in space it will warp 1 million km in a random direction and then disappear from the game. When you log back in you will see that your ship warps back 1 million km to the spot where you left it.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by jimw127 »

Ha, I probably owe you a beer by now for the grief I've caused you. I only asked because you mentioned it up the thread. I did have a "the world is about to end" alarm and auto log out when I accidentally covered either the cargo or the damage readout. I was able to pretty much instantly log back in, I couldn't tell what my ship was doing but it freaked me out because there's a .4 stargate in the system. Thanks for clearing it up.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Thor »

Wow, after reading the above set-ups, it really got me slightly nervous. As I've been running mine pretty much with no tank :/ in 0.5 sec space. I was literally depending on my Drones to kill rats before they killed me (which having 3x Infiltrator II and 2x Hammerhead II, didn't take long).

But now I've added a little extra security to my ships:

[Hulk - 18km3]
3x Strip Miner I
1x Invulnerability Field II
3x Small Shield Extender II
2x Expanded Cargohold II
2x Medium Cargohold Optimization I

[Mack - 12km3]
2x Ice Harvester II
1x Invulnerability Field II
3x Small Shield Extender II
2x Expanded Cargohold II
2x Medium Cargohold Optimization I

Both my ships have the Drone Combination mentioned at the top of my post.
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possible future add-in

Post by pyromancer »

here's 1 item i just recently noticed. not 100% sure as to the cause (was afk that time). i mine in a fairly sparse system (player wise) not many belts. 1x month or so groups pretty much pop most of the roids. sometimes the ore in belts in pretty low and i think when they pop tm relocks another roid. when a few pop in fairly rapid progression it drains the cap. i came back to the pc to find me sitting there mining. shields offline and cap at about 10%

i have bit under 700k sp in electronics and 4m in engineering. most everything cap wise is at 5. used to run level 4's all day long, help on level 5's
i know i can turn on that critical shield damage check so that's a option i just like using active tanking and not waiting til the last minute to activate the shields or warp/out or log out

has anyone ever encountered same type of scenario?

lol just glanced over to my screen. it said not enough power to warp all the way to the station. my shields were down cap was at -0-
i been mining bout 1/2 hour. getting ready for work

settings at perform 5 mining cycles at 160 seconds each

i'm at 30msp in hulk 1 small booster t2, 1 cap charger t2 and a amp. cap stable at 64%
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Re: possible future add-in

Post by VanGoghGaming »

It's not exactly a secret that modulated strip miners consume a lot of cap. You should use more cap rechargers (2 or 3), maybe an implant and a gisti shield booster or switch to t1 strip miners. You won't have any more cap problems with either of those solutions.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by tomtheman70 »

Need help with dealing with local rats in my new area - Just moved out to null sec and having a little bit of a tough time adapting with the fact that at any given moment people can just come out and kill me with no recourse. I've found myself a pretty quiet area to mine but I'm having a bit of a problem dealing with the local rats. Seems that I'm not able (Or not doing it right) to tank these suckers.

The rat type are Guristas and it's usually one or two Guristas Obliterator's and 2 Guristas Inferno's.

Any tips on what kind of build I should go for if I want to tank these bad boys? Or should I forget trying to tank them and just have Tinyminer keep an eye on critical shield?
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Equip a hulk with a Pithi B-Type Small Shield Booster, invulnerability and kinetic resistance amplifier and you shouldn't have any problems tanking guristas.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by tomtheman70 »

I couldn't find any Pithi Type-B Small Shield Boosters anywhere so I loaded out with

3 x Strip Miner I

1 x Small Shield Booster II
1 x Invulnerability Field II
1 x Kinetic Deflection Amplifier II

2 x Expanded Cargohold

Cap discharges in 1 minute and 14 seconds. Even if I fit a Cap Recharger II it'll only buy me 20 more seconds. Am I missing some sort of skill that helps me run these shield tanks longer?
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Epic Fail? You absolutely need the Pithi B-type Small Shield Booster if you want to survive some of the tougher null sec rats. It's readily available in Jita. The A-type works too but it's 3 times the price. Also I was assuming you already have level 5 engineering skills by now (Energy Management, Energy Systems Operation, Shield Compensation). A CR4 or CR8 hardwiring implant in slot 6 can help you as well as the cap recharger in the 4th mid slot but that is optional. The cap should stay stable at over 45-50%.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by tomtheman70 »

:D I indeed fail! Thanks for the info. You can erase my posts as I'll take note of yours locally.
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Hulk fits

Post by SonicHewison »

OK well gonna try this, does anyone have any hulk fits for high sec and 0.0

high sec - already got some fits for this but seems mine might be a bit pricey when its not needed
currently have:
Strip Miner I's x3
Gisti B-type small sheild booster, Invul II x 2, cap recharger II
Expanded cargohold II x 2
Medium Cargohold optimization rigs

0.0 - take it these will need to be deadspace mods but how do you get around the fact some rats warp scramble you as well
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Pedroso »

For high sec i use a small shield booster and a boost amplifier t1.
Never had any problems
Shields always higher than 70%.
No hardeners and no inv. field.
cap rechargers helps.
Cheap fit and works for me.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Sazabi101 »

Question. I notice that most fits for a hulk are using strip miner 1's instead of modulated. Why is that? Price? Or is it a cap drain issue? Thanks
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Neither, it's just people prefer to mine everything in a belt rather than only one type of ore.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Sazabi101 »

ah ok! makes sense, thanks for the fast reply
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by MrGreen »

Haven't been on eve much but does anyone have a new fit with all the changes in the barges that have happened?
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by termis »

MrGreen wrote:Haven't been on eve much but does anyone have a new fit with all the changes in the barges that have happened?
Yes, for solo mining the Mackinaw seems best with a 35k ore hold.

My fit:


2x strip miner II


Em ward amplifier II
Thermic dissipation amplifier II


2x Mining laser upgrade II
1x DCU II for botting I prefer tank/ add an extra mining upgrade for faster mining

5 combat light drones of your choosing.

Retriever still works great too for botting, with a 27.5k orehold.

Just to confirm TM still work great with the new mining barge changes.
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To all Miners! Which settings do you use?

Post by vguch »

Hi there,

I run the dual client with 2 retrievers fitted with strip miner II and Tech II crystals, 3MLU II in hisec
my settings are 21 runs@45 secs to fill my 27500m3. Both are in a fleet with mining foreman V

Am I wasting time?? do you have better settings?
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Re: To all Miners! Which settings do you use?

Post by IMine »

I'm doing similar but with the orca bonuses I'm running shorter cycles and more of them because sometimes I'm getting pre-chewed rocks and they pop quickly. So doing it with shorter cycles will sometimes help if you're chewing through rocks too fast.

I my case I'm using toons that can only fly a retriever.
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Been gone and got a few qustions

Post by surfn1080 »

Havent played eve online for some time and im wondering if its best to still use the hulk even though its ore hold is 8500 or is it best to use the mackinaw now with a much larger hold?
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TM ship setup and what to mine

Post by Zioneer »

So I am new to TM what an amazing software!

I had a very long break from mining but now I'm back and I see that ice has dropped a lot in price and that minerals are the best to mine, my question is:

Is it worth mining with crystals?

And what should i currently mine and in what kind of security should i concentrate in Empire?
The character has maxed mining skills. I'm also a bit unsure about how many seconds i should be in belt and how many cycles that a mackinaw needs to fill the cargo.

Thanks for an awesome program and i hope to be with you guys for a long time.

My last question is. as I saw that PLExes which i only use the bots for has doubled in price. Is it possible to drive 3 accounts and have some isk over by doing mining nowadays?
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Any Nullsec Belt Mining Mackinaw Fits

Post by xCauson »

Please post as i really want to go to 0.0
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What asteroids are you mining ?

Post by malboyoo »

i'm actually mining veldspar in 0.5 with a mackinaw, i'm making 7m isk/hour.

i have these skills:

mining barge 5
exhumers 4
Mining 5
mining upgrade 4
refinery efficiency 4
refining 5
Veldspar Processing 4

mackinaw fitt:

[Mackinaw, New Setup 1]
Co-Processor II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II

Small Shield Booster II
Eutectic Capacitor Charge Array
Eutectic Capacitor Charge Array
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

Modulated Strip Miner II, Veldspar Mining Crystal II
Modulated Strip Miner II, Veldspar Mining Crystal II

Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Hammerhead II x5

What can I do to improve my performance?
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

I haven't actually crunched the numbers but wouldn't a third Mining Laser Upgrade in the low slots provide a better result than the Co-Processor? Of course you'd have to use regular Strip Lasers instead of the modulated ones but the added benefit of mining all types of ore instead of just veldspar would surely compensate it. The current price of scordite is nothing to scoff at!
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by SABBATH »

My Setup...

2x- strip miner I

1x - small shield booster II
2x - adaptive invulnerability field II
1x - cap recharger II

1x - beta reactor control: capacitor power relay I
1x - mining laser upgrade II
1x - damage control II

2x - medium core defense field extender I
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

TBH if you're mining in empire space with crappy rats you could safely replace the small shield booster with a civilian shield booster and get rid of the capacitor power relay for an extra mining laser upgrade...
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Re: TM ship setup and what to mine

Post by SABBATH »

Zioneer wrote: My last question is. as I saw that PLExes which i only use the bots for has doubled in price. Is it possible to drive 3 accounts and have some isk over by doing mining nowadays?
Absolutely worth it!

Mining with TM supports 4 accounts for me. It needs to be done right though. I have been using TM for a few years now without any issues at all. Minus the random Hulk/Mach loss to highsec ganker. Which is minuscule considering I've probably only lost 3 barges in the years I've been doing this.

The system I use is strictly to provide Plex for my four accounts. 3 accounts are dedicated miners/industrial and 1 is PVP.

I usually mine in monthly intervals. Using TM Double Client for 2 toons, 2 in the am and 2 in the pm. They will run for about 8hrs each, 5 days a week. I always take a random day or two off just for the hell of it. I can pull around 18mil an hour, give or take. You do the math!

My PVP account is usually paid up for 3 to 5 months in advance with an average wallet of 1bil for pew pew losses. My mining accounts will work for a month and shut down for a month or two, maybe more depending on my PVP wallet. I always keep a Plex for each miner account in station so I can fire them up at any given time.

It's most definitely worth it.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

That is very sound advice right there, thanks for sharing these tips SABBATH!
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by MaiYun »

What is the good build to mine with Retriever in highsec? - we are talking 1.0 and 0.9

+ build for 0.8-0.6 ??

Also, what ship will do well in transporting all my stuff?:D (I don't want to create a new thread)

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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by crazysonoran »

My current fit for a Mackinaw is as follows. I mine in a 0.5 system and use drones for my main defenses.

2x Mod Strip II w/ T2 crystals
Survey Scanner (I also use this ship for manual mining)
Basic EM Ward Amplifier
2x M51Iterative Shield Regenerator
3x Mining Laser Upgrade II's

With Mining Upgrades 4 and Exhumers at 3 I get almost 2000 m3 per cycle per laser so it takes me about 30 minutes to fill the Macks Ore hold with ore which is about 13-15mil isk per hour... I'd say you have some room for improvement there Malboyoo. BTW, dont mine Veldspar... Scordite and Kernite are worth a lot more per m3, heck even Pyrox is worth more than Veldspar.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Bobwords »

What levels do you have fitting skills at? Mine are pretty minimal and I'm trying to setup a perma tank for 0.8 space rats
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

For minimal tanking skills look no further than the (drum roll) Civilian Shield Booster! It will bravely thwart the devious plans of 0.8 rats to grind your mining ship into space dust.

You should have enough capacitor to keep it running indefinitely but just in case feel free to add one or two Capacitor Control Circuit rigs as well as some racial hardener rigs to be on the safe side.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Mort78 »

Hey all,
I was hoping I might be able to pick all of your brains for a moment!
My alt finally got himself into a Mackinaw. I have been mining in 0.9 Space up until now. I however wanted to move this toon to 0.5 Space, where the Corp/Orca support is based.
The alt has limited skills, as he has pretty much just learnt what was required to get into the Mack/Hulk.

I have mined a few times there now, and provided the Drones are out in time before they lock me up, the drones will attack fine. However I have noticed that my tank isn't enough, if more than 3 rats spawn.
My setup is as follows...

Damage Control 1
Mining laser upgrade 1 x2

Civilian Shield Booster x2
Dread Guristas Kinetic Deflection Field
Shield boost Amp 1

Strip miner 1 x2

The rats in this systems are Guristas, hence the reason I used a kinetic resist module.

I would love to have a setup, where I could just walk away and not have to worry. Any tips/ideas would be much appreciated.
Cheers guys,
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

If you are mining in guristas space then equip 2x kinetic and 1x thermal rigs, preferably tech 2. Upgrade all other modules to tech 2 as soon as possible. Ditch the damage control for another mining laser upgrade. Also I'm pretty sure you should be able to equip a medium shield extender maybe instead of the shield boost amplifier... Then of course there are the shield, capacitor and compensation skills (under engineering) that need training at least to level 4!
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Mort78 »

Hey there VGG....
That is absolutely the end goal... with the modules etc you mentioned.
As I've literally only trained the skills to get into a Mack/Hulk for the moment, I just don't have the CPU etc to equip anything other than the setup I have.
I have been toying with EFT for hours.... trust me :)
Other than TM, I just love playing with EFT, to make 'it' work!
Many thanks though for your input.... its much appreciated!

Edit..... I have also trained on my orca support toon, the Warfare Link 'Siege Boost', which boosts your shield. It's very helpful, but again.... not quite enuf to withstand the punishment from 3 or more Rats! I can't wait until TM is able to lock onto Rats, if detected!!!!! Will be amazing.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by surfn1080 »

I was attacked yesterday by someone in a gallente destroyer. He did 9k dmg pretty quick. I was in .5 space and so concord did get him but now i am trying to figure out if there is anything i can do against that kind of dmg.

I have this currently on EFT:


Mining laser upgrade II x 2
Co-Processor II


Pithi C type small shield booster
Pithi C Kinetic deflection field
Pithi C Thermic deflection field
Pithum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field


Strip miners x 2


Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

Is there any other suggestion to possibly out last someone like this?
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

That invulnerability field alone costs somewhere around the 500 million ISK mark, so if you're looking to go broke fast that's a surefire way to accomplish your goal.

Seriously now, if you want to survive suicide ganking then there are two things you absolutely must have on your exhumer: a damage control for extra effective HP on your hull and a medium shield extender for more buffer to give Concord enough time to show up! Also the gankers will expect you to be tanked on kinetic and thermal for the guristas rats so they'll definitely pack EM ammo!

I was thinking something along this line:
Mackinaw tanked for suicide gankers
Mackinaw tanked for suicide gankers
Mackinaw.jpg (130.18 KiB) Viewed 103746 times
If you don't have Mining Upgrades 5 then you'll need a cheap 1% CPU implant in slot 6!

Pro Tip: Use a second character in an Ibis to shoot your Mackinaw in belt to summon Concord ships there which will linger for several hours!
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Pickles2012 »

How does that fit work for you? Do you use drones for defense?
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Dashiva »

I was just wondering (too late since i have bought them and fitted them already ;)) why use Medium Cargohold optimization rigs when they dont affect ore hold?
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Cargohold optimization rigs were the way to go before the recent introduction of the Ore hold. You should check the date of the post before buying rigs.:) Back then the rigs even came in only one flavor (they weren't small, medium, large, capital as they are now). Things tend to evolve as times passes in New Eden, but it is all for the better I hope.

I haven't actually used the suicide ganker fit posted above since I've never actually had any trouble with them so far. I am mainly mining in wormholes and null-sec space where the local chat and directional scanner are used to detect hostiles. In empire space I just use a cheap Retriever that gankers never seem to find tasty enough to shoot at.

I'm not using the drones either, at least not until the rat-killing feature will be released (a separate overview tab for rats will be used to target and kill them while mining)! I have always advised everyone to perma-tank their ships and not to worry about the rats until then.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by MaiYun »

I need good setting for retriever mining in high sec. Any ideas? Thanks :)
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by teejay26 »

Hi sec retriever fit 1.0-0.9
Lows-3 mining laser upgrade
Highs-strip miner 1
Rigs-medium drone mining augmenter 1 medium drone mining augmenter 2 medium processor over clocking unit

Mining drones 2

This is a max yield fit for systems away from missions where the gankers seem to flock. Just make sure the cycle time is around 60 seconds because the rocks pop so fast!
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Scorpious Aya »

I know it sounds bad, but I use a Retriever:
2x Strip Miner I
3x Miner upgrade lasers II

5x Hobgoblin I drones

I mine 2700 units every 180 seconds and pay for the Ret in about 3 runs. If I get ganked.. so be it..I just replace it and continue on. So far the worst I have done is about 7:1 ratio. I get 7x the amount of ISK it costs me to replace a Retriever.

Now. I also ran a Procurer.. same basic setup and I achieve about a 15:1 ratio.

so.. Its great to want to try and fit a miner such that you are protected from ganking, but n the will spend more ISK trying to protect against it that you could easily just replace it for less cost. Its a decision though each person has to make.. I tend to go the lowest possible cost route and assume I am going to lose it. Protect from Rats but hope I get a higher rate of return on the ship by decrease my initial outlay of ISK.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Bobwords »

If you're looking for max yield (or what you should train to fit properly) the fitting for a Mackinaw is:

Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Rat specific tank
Rat specific tank
Civilian Shield Booster
Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II
Medium Drone Mining Augmenter II (or use the tech I versions, as these are 50 mil each)
Medium Drone Mining Augmenter II
Inherent Implants 'Highwall' Mining MX-1005 (or -1003 so if you get podded you aren't losing that extra 100 mil if your pod gets popped)
Michi's Excavation Augmentor (this thing runs a billion isk, you'd have to mine 20 billion isk without losing a pod to break even on it, not for macro miners IMHO)
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Yes, the Retriever is the way to go in high sec. If you mine in 0.9 and 1.0 systems then fit it with agility and warp speed rigs for faster movement. If you mine in 0.5-0.8 then fit it with a civilian shield booster and racial hardener rigs for your particular flavor of rats (2x kinetic and 1x thermal T2 medium rigs for guristas for example).
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

For beginner pilots that haven't gotten to fly mining barges just yet, here's a Venture setup fit to tank empire rats in high sec:
Venture tanked for empire space
Venture tanked for empire space
Venture.jpg (121.15 KiB) Viewed 100048 times
If you don't have the skills for tech II modules just replace them with their correspondent tech I or intermediate named (meta) modules. The rigs should be tailored for the specific rats in your region (for example guristas rats deal kinetic and thermal damage).

The salvager is optional if you feel like salvaging some wrecks once in a while to show everyone else there that you are a real person who prefers a tidy Overview! ;)
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Slim »

Been using this fit for a few weeks and has already saved me from 3 suicide gankers....
Low Slots
Damage Control II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Medium Slots
Medium Shield Extender II
Thermic Dissipation Amplifier II
Kinetic Deflection Amplifier II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
High Slots
Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II
Rig Slots
Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

That's about 33k EHP's on my Mackinaw.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by ozinkent »

As I don't know the math involed, im hoping for a quick and easy answer here..
Strip miner I's
modulated strip II's + T2 crystals?

quest is, T2 crystal worth the cost?
R even T1 crystals worth it?
as strips can mine the whole belt end to end with out being picky on the ore. bcoz, I am running vald crystals II's on my ret atm..
(iv only just bought modulated strips, 2 days ago for the first time.. I normally use strip 1's and mine all, vald scor and plag... so I don't know whats better yet)
and although vald isn't the best hisec ore, the crystals are only 80k... scordite ones r at 200k each.

I know the T1 crystals are a lot cheaper, I didn't know if any1 had a straight answer to what's best
strip 1, mod 2's with t1 crystals, or mod 2's with t2 crystals

just wondering what others are using?
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Well if the belts in your area tend to deplete very fast then use Strip Miner I's and mine everything. On the other hand if there is enough of your favorite flavor of ore then use Modulated Strip Miner II's with T1 crystals (because they are cheaper and last longer). T2 crystals are nice too so it's up to you if you want to use those instead, just test and see how you feel about it.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by valvos »

Slim wrote:Been using this fit for a few weeks and has already saved me from 3 suicide gankers....
Low Slots
Damage Control II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Medium Slots
Medium Shield Extender II
Thermic Dissipation Amplifier II
Kinetic Deflection Amplifier II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
High Slots
Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II
Rig Slots
Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

That's about 33k EHP's on my Mackinaw.
Confirmed for awesome anti-gank fit, I was mining today in .5 when 3 guys in catalysts warped on top of me, needless to say they didnt break my shields, and all got popped :D one guy even complimented me "Hey nice tank man" lol
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by Deathbycharge »

Any good Mack and Retriever fits with active tank or passive ?

Sometimes my drones stop attacking the rats in belts. So am just a big target, even though drones are set to aggressive :?

So was hoping for a little help with a fit that could easy tank rats in a 0.6 system untill my orehold gets full
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I'm new to mining and just skilled for retriver

Post by react0r »

Please give me tips on where to mine for best profit and which items to use on my retriever ship.
Also, TMP can auto sell mined mats?

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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by VanGoghGaming »

I have merged your new topic with this existing one since you can find many good tips and fittings for new players through the posts above.
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Re: Ships and equipment configurations

Post by kinkyunderpants »

a better fitting in my opinion for the venture.

highs, the obvious
mid 2 x small cap battery meta 1 small c5l booster
lows mining upgrade.

rigs rat specific, or I just use 2em 1 thermal
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