[Suggestion] Ore Priority

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[Suggestion] Ore Priority

Post by SZaman »

I think this would help a lot, and the easiest way to do it is just let the bot change settings so asteroids tab will only have xyz ore of your choice, if none is found them the 2nd ore choice pops up etc
Would that even be possible, because after server reset it do this asteroid swap by myself and it's quite annoying and of course if i don't make it in time bot marks most of mining spots as worse and i have to reset everything again.
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Re: [Suggestion] Ore Priority

Post by VanGoghGaming »

This feature has been suggested before in the past and the general consensus was that it's better to just mine everything and don't worry about ore types.

Asteroids are not spaced out evenly so if you limit yourself to just certain types then there is a lot of wasted time navigating to the next asteroid. Mining everything in sight ensures a continuous operation and the profits keep pouring in!
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Re: [Suggestion] Ore Priority

Post by Pr0xy_Sn1ff3r »

I understand that this post may be just a bit late, however this is a solution that I have done and I have found works wonders. You can go to your asteroids tab, going to your overview settings and deselect the asteroids that you want to completely ignore. That way you can still set your options to organize the asteroids by distance, but you'll be skipping over the asteroids that you don't want and still have the rest available.
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Re: [Suggestion] Ore Priority

Post by caos901 »

I have died several times doing this. Sometimes it will warp you to the rock that you specified and get stuck between rocks. Due to you being afk you don't realize it and if enemy players or rats enter the system you stand a good chance of getting popped because it won't be able to warp. I would highly suggest checking the "use shield critical damage check" option incase you are getting beat up and can't warp out. It has saved my ship a handful of times but I have lost quite a few ships to this before deciding to just mine the closest rock to my waypoint.
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Re: [Suggestion] Ore Priority

Post by Psycosis421 »

Ore priority would help me automate 0.0 mining which some alliances require certain ores mined in anomalies first before moving on to better ores.
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