Timing ice harvesters - what settings should I use? (SOLVED)

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Timing ice harvesters - what settings should I use? (SOLVED)

Post by Matt »

I'm using a hulk with 3 ice harvesters, the figures are every 491.4 sec I pull in 1000 m3, my hulk's cargohold holds 14,955.8 m3. My question is what should my settings for TinyMiner be? How many mining cycles and how many sec for the laser reset.

thanks for ur help
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

Ahh, hmm, that is indeed a suitable question for our local rocket scientist.

Let's see, you have 3 ice harvesters which pull 1000m3 each every 491.4 seconds. That means you pull 3000m3 every 491.4 seconds so 3000*4=12000m3 in 491.4*4=1965.6 seconds. So basically you could set TinyMiner for 2 cycles of 984 seconds each and you will get 12 pieces of ice for that.

That's very bad indeed...:( With the Mackinaw setup from this thread I am getting 8 pieces of ICE every 685 seconds so you can see the difference.
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ice harvester

Post by Matt »

how do u get 8 pieces of ice every 685 sec. what kind of skills do u have to be that efficient?
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

Nothing fancy really, just the usual skills. It's the bonus of the Mackinaw that makes the difference, just take a look at the thread that I linked above to see its equipment configuration.
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Post by TJRedleg »

My cycle time is 319.92 or 320 seconds.

I'm using the Mack setup in the ships setup thread.

I'm currently doing one run with a reset time of 640 secs, and I'm pulling 8 cubes. I figure why do I need to reset my lasers when you only get a cube if it completes a full cycle, you get nothing for a partially completed cycle. So I might as well run two full cycles (2 x 320) without a reset.

I WAS doing 960 secs pulling 10 cubes but it seems to me that 640 secs yields more over an hour long period. My Mack only holds 10k m3.

640 = 5 runs per hour, 8 cubes per run, for a total of 40 cubes
960 = 3 runs per hour, 10 cubes, for a total of 30 cubes

I have not factored in any other times such as warp time to station, etc.

I figured runs per hour by dividing 3600 secs, by the reset laser time.


3600/640 = 5.625 or 5 (5 x 8 = 40 rocks)
3600/960 = 3.75 or 3 (3 x 10 = 30 rocks)

Of course I'm probably missing something, other than the other times.

any help would be appreciated.
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Post by VanGoghGaming »

A mack gets half the ice for half a cycle. So if you get 4 pieces of ice in a full cycle then you will get 2 pieces of ice for half a cycle. With your numbers that will be 320+320+160=800 seconds. Add 5 seconds for safety so you should get 10 pieces of ice for one cycle of 805 seconds.

You must do the rounding after all the calculations, not in between like you did above. Also you didn't factor in the warp time back and forth. The more often you warp the more time you waste. So overall your numbers are way off. 3600 / 805 = 4.47 * 10 = 44 pieces of ice per hour without counting the warp time.
Last edited by VanGoghGaming on Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by TJRedleg »


Adjustments have been made.

I've been mining for a long time but that doesn't mean I know what I'm doing when it comes to making calculations regarding yield :(

I'm totally ignorant when it comes to that stuff.

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