Total runs are not incremented when jettisoning the ore in belt

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Total runs are not incremented when jettisoning the ore in belt

Post by Infinity »

Total Runs are always 0.
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Re: Total runs do not working

Post by VanGoghGaming »

Is this a frequently asked question or why are you posting it here? In fact I don't see a question at all...

Read the log and you'll figure it out. As the soon as the number of cycles is over and the ship goes back to station to unload then a new run begins and the total number of runs is incremented.
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Re: Total runs do not working

Post by Infinity »

Is it shouldn't count If I choose "Jettison ore in belt and continue mining"? Based on your words It works only if the ship goes back to the station to unload the cargo. It would be great to see the count of "total runs" in "Jettison ore in belt and continue mining" case too.
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