I don't quite understand how it works properly. It works only the first time when ore hold on my ship is full-on 80% bot move ore to the fleet hangar. That's it. Only once. All subsequent times TinyMiner digs ore nonstop even when ore hold is full. How I can setup bot for move ore to the fleet hangar in case ship ore hold is full?
You should have mentioned that you're trying to mine with an Orca or Porpoise (the only high-sec ships equipped with a fleet hangar). There are special instructions for mining with an Orca like setting the number of lasers to zero since you can't equip any mining lasers on an Orca and judging from your screenshot you failed to do so!
There is an in-depth forum thread explaining how to mine with an Orca, including moving the ore into the ship's cargo and fleet hangar. Please read it here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3199#p10848
I've tried to move ore from Hulk to Orka, and unfortunately, this is impossible for now.
Maybe it is possible to add an additional option to place a window with fleet hangar from another ship like Orka permanently instead of drones window and move ore from my ship into the fleet hangar. In this case, drones should be disabled.